
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Nairn Cygnets 2013 - picture

Thanks to Murray MacRae for this picture of this year's cygnets on the River Nairn


  1. Toast7:51 PM

    Just don't try and feed them!

  2. Anonymous9:21 PM

    I used to love seeing the cygnets every year, now my heart just sinks because of all the fisticuffs they seem to cause on the river

    I've long stopped feeding the ducks and swans for that reason

  3. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I have to agree with the last comment. It would be nice if the river birds were once again wild and we could all enjoy them

  4. @ Niaroo Suggest you read previous articles here on the Gurn or on the Swan mannie's blog where you will see debate that outlines different schools of thought on the modus operandi of breadcrumb and other matters.

  5. Anonymous5:53 PM

    If I were the owner of the harbour street stores shop I'd be selling wild bird seed. I always try to take some with me when I have my girls down there to feed them. Stale bread shouldn't be in anyone's diet let alone the birds on our river. Also with the seed your less likely to attract the attention of the sky rats that lerk around as soon as they hear the rustling of a plastic bag

  6. Anonymous6:43 AM

    the swans are beautiful, the ducks are colourful, but they can actually feed themselves! Pigeons are feeding on the grain now taken by folk, & as a harbour street resident, Pigeons are way worse than gulls for parasites,pooping & being a pest! I have seen some holidaymakers feeding the ducks cold chips! Did the ducks die? No. The ducks are wild, not pets. Either everyone can feed them, or nobody can feed them
