
Monday, June 10, 2013

Coming soon on the Gurn - video of Duncan Chisholm at the Nairn Book and Arts programme launch

Hope to have a video up for you soon Gurnshire. Heard last minute on the grapevine that there was a gig going down over in the Courthouse this evening and yes indeed, there was a huge gathering for the launch of the programme of the Book and Arts Festival 2013. There was a short speech from Elizabeth Finlay and then radio personality Nicky Marr did a turn with an entertaining run through the contents of the programme. More later including video and pictures. 


  1. elitist9:05 PM

    A shame that Nairn Book and Arts festival don't make their opening a public event rather than 'by invitation' only

  2. @elitist - this observer has to confess that he has no knowledge of the criteria for attendance at the event this evening. Which seemed to be for the launch of the programme only by the way and not a festival.

    Anyway, an interesting thing to do on a warm summer's evening however, and good craic with some of the usual suspects, plus a glass of red, red wine...

  3. The Gurn must be well in with The Lovies to get an invite, other wise how did they attend the launch & sup some wine, eh Graisg !!!

  4. Hi PP, just walked in off the street, no one seemed to mind :-)

  5. Oh it was simply wonderful dahlings,a social whirl to die for with la creme de la creme of Nairn society, anyone who's anyone was in attendance plus Pookie Candelabra. Ciao. mwah, mwah. x

  6. Mmmmm, didn't look like that to me, a diverse, ecletic bunch in good humour. Didn't see Pookie but then I've never really met her, perhaps she doesn't exist?
    Or maybe she will turn up and do something on the fringe?

  7. gate crash7:55 AM

    @elitist - this observer has to confess that he has no knowledge of the criteria for attendance at the event this evening.

    Ha ha, must remember this line for next time I crash a party

    I hope you remembered to keep your little pinkie raised!

  8. Gate Crasher8:38 AM

    Can anyone go to the programme launch as if you just walked in off the street Craisg & no body seemed to bother, me & few friends will keep this in mind the next time when we want to rub shoulders with the diverse, electic bunch in good humour persons, with a wee cheeky red thrown in. Mmmmmmm I wonder who selects who gets an invitation, the mind boggles.

  9. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Why not an open house with anyone that's interested can drop in for a wee refreshment & a nibble, you might even spot Graisg who never got an invite but who managed to get in, Good on yer Mate!!!

  10. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I don't think the opening was meant for the common people, hence invite only unless of course you happen to wander in off the street and then just happen to start filming the event

  11. @ anon - Hey, there were a mix of folk there, sponsors for instance from different backgrounds.

    Fine have a pop at the shows or whatever but if you really think it is elitist then why not put on an event with something you like as part of the fringe or even start your own fringe fringe.

  12. Nairn's got talent5:29 PM

    One of the sponsors is Highland Council, this equals our money being used for part of this event.

    Recently there has been excellent shows arranged to support our very own football club. Local talent which people really enjoyed. It might have been a bag of chips on the street rather than a glass of red wine in some fancy setting but people really had a good time without the need for flown in celebrities

    We should maybe be grateful that the Little Theatre has managed to gain status as a fringe event this year at the Book and Arts Festival. Again local people showing their talents

    Nairn has many published writers and poets that I'm sure would be equally interesting to any big names, it would be nice to hear their stories and for them to be offered a platform

    Maybe Nairn should put on it's own it's own Book and Arts Festival featuring locals without them being relegated to fringe status if present at all

    I wish the current Book and Arts Festival well. I'm sure for a certain group of folk it will be as popular as ever, but there's a whole lot of people it will miss out or for who it doesn't appeal

  13. egg head6:31 PM

    Dam it nae hair left Im as bald as coot fare scunnered as I canna start a fringe, ach weel ye canna have everything, PS did ye manage to have a wee chin wag ma loon Craisg we that awfae bonnie quine Nicky Marr fae MFR, if ye did ya lucky b----r Im fair jealous as I never got a fancy caird we an invite to the soiree, dinna laugh noo I can be a wee bittee posh & nae as common as some folkies,
