
Tuesday, June 04, 2013

"Could this commercial site be the best possible location in the Highlands?"

Asks Cllr Colin MacAulay on Facebook today. "Open to offers," he says.
Read the full specification here on the Higland Council web site.


  1. Eyesore6:54 AM

    Personally I would knock it down and return to are to nature.

  2. Park St. Pete9:23 AM

    Eyesore you are correct, how planning permission was ever granted to allow this unsightly building to be constructed has always annoyed me, its a blot on the landscape & it should be demolished, pronto.

  3. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I hope whoever takes it over uses it wisely. Personally I've always loved the idea if turning it into a Nairn Beach Watersports hub. Jet skis, small sail boats diving etc.

  4. Well I love it because it is everything a seaside resort needs and more. Particularly the talking parrot and carpet that defies carbon dating. I hope it reopens very soon,
    PC xx

  5. Moan Ranger9:26 PM

    Well said Pookie, there are too many in this town wanting to turn it in to a boring dormitory town with a nice sea side walk.
