
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wednesday Miscellany - tackling Hogweed, other voluntary stuff and blue flag news, county fans fundraising etc,

Thanks to Jock for this picture of Gurn riverside correspondent Murd tackling some Giant Hogweed on the Riverside walks. Jock told the Gurn:  

"The pictures shows Murd hacking away at the hogweed the council boys missed - cant be blamed as there is an explosion of it everywhere you look."

Jock is correct the Council squad needs more time and resources to tackle invasive species up the Riverside and especially the Giant Hogweed. A spade a couple of inches below the surface usually finishes off a specimen like the healthy looking plant Murd is about to tackle in the picture. We hear too that in an area close to the riverside walk cattle have been munching away and have made a fine job of clearing some infestations of this potentially dangerous plant. It seems from this web page here that they find the Hogweed very palatable indeed. 

Spotted in a more convential area of greenery last week and also taking matters into her own hands was West Community Council Chair Rosemary Young. She makes regular visits to the MacLean Court Gardens area and spends some time trying to keep things up to scratch. She is planning a big push to finish the weeding  soon and would like to hear from anyone that can help. 

One of our regular unreliable sources tells us that Nairn makes it into the Seaside Awards beach list for the 20th time running, here's the list of Scottish award beaches for this year. 

On the Nairn County Fans ground improvement fund front things are ticking away during the close season with fans preparing events for later in the year. Read Graeme MacLeod's report here. One item not on that report or on the fans fundraising site yet is the news that the 20 fans planning to climb Ben Nevis in September have now been promised sponsorship of £1050. If you would like to consider sponsoring the squad planning this ascent then you can find out how to do that here on this page on the fans site.  Other events coming up include a Nairn County Legends Speakers night, a race night, a concert in the United Reformed Church, a special Ladies Lunch at the Classroom and a dug-out 11 team picture auction. More details of each event here. 


  1. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Well done Murd for assisting, but don't forget your health and safety gear to protect yourself from any plant liquids. This stuff gets on your skin and you won't be a happy bunny.

  2. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I remember the days Nairn used to get the prestigious Blue Flag, now it's only ever the much less impressive Seaside Award. Why's that?

  3. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Aye Murd you will be in the honours list one of these days.

  4. MURD
    If I can only get them to cut the grass before I go into hospital next week then I will be a happy bunny and no duot others will be glad of the rest. Safety gear!! there is an old saying the devil looks after his own so I am covered on that one

  5. I'm sure the readership will join me in wishing you all the best for the op Murd.
    Here's hoping one of the machines finds its way up the Riverside path edges.
    Interesting conversation too last night about River CC willingness to take on this responsibility. Will Gurn that up over the next few days hopefully.

  6. Anonymous9:04 AM

    FUNDING issues?

  7. Anonymous7:02 PM

    mued deserves an o.b.e.
