
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Dead cetacean at Hilton of Delnies?

Some sad pictures received by the Gurn. Veronica told us: "Please see attached photos of what we believe to be a recently dead baby dolphin(?) on the beach near to Hilton of Delnies.  We often go there to see the dolphins as they can give quite a display. Yesterday we were saddened to find this baby which looked as if it had been washed in on the tide. Tried contacting the Sac vet services to report it but they are unavailable.
The drinks can is a 300mm can, the baby is about three feet long. It is difficult to know what has happened to it.
Obviously someone with experience may be able to shed some light on this and can advise what it is; how old etc."


  1. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Looks more like a porpoise ironically most likely killed by a dolphin.

  2. Spurtle8:31 AM

    As already mentioned, that looks like a harbour porpoise & they do get attacked by dolphins.

  3. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Its a harbour porpoise - full grown or nearly so.

    Much more common than you'd suppose.

  4. @ anon - re surgery appointment can you give us more details was it for a specific Doctor

  5. Hi This is the Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme based at SAC Inverness. We were sorry (and surprised)to here that Veronica felt we were unavailable for her to report the juvenile harbour porpoise at Hilton of Delnies. We have a land line for people to leave a message on at weekends as well as a mobile number, facebook account, twitter account, webpage and e-mail address. On none of these did we receive a message about this animal at the weekend.
    We would be very pleased to recieve Veronica's or anyone elses report of a dead stranded marine mammal. They can be reported by phone on 01463 243030 weekdays or by mobile on 07979245893 including weekends or e-mail us at or by posting a message on our facebook page or twitter feed, just search for Scottish Marine Animal Strandings Scheme.

    Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme
    SRUC Veterinary Services
    Scotland IV2 4JZ
    01463 246043
    +44 07979245893
