
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Dog poo bin assault?

Has some "have a go hero" dished out a random kicking to the unfortunate poo bin? The image was sent to us by Iain this morning. He told the Gurn: "Saw this at the bottom on the path from Broadhill down to the railway bridge. Doesn't help - and just gives the Council unnecessary work."

The bin could, of course, have collapsed under the weight of a sudden rush of turds wrapped in plastic bags following the recent Highland Council poster campaign, either way it looks like a stronger foundation may be needed for this particular bin. 

Related to this subject, here at the Gurn we are very interested in doggie jobbie enforcement and fines (or the lack of fines to be more precise) and our  research into this matter continues. We hope to publish another  article in the near future. 


  1. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Probably a few angry seagulls over the Nairnshire front page

  2. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Haven't we had the same headline or similar every year for the past thirty years?

  3. Anonymous5:06 PM

    With ref to the seagull situation, what's the point of culling them? This only creates a void which another bird will soon fill. The most effective policy is to destroy the eggs throughout the breeding season.

  4. just going for a pint7:41 PM

    Maybe it just drank too much, a problem some folk are having in this heat (when will it end?)

  5. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Can we also have cat jobbie enforcements since they like to drop packages in people's garden and what about the horses that are eroding the paths in and around Kingsteps and also leave rather large packages smack in the middle of the paths..

    Off for a pint in this hot weather...;_)

  6. Anonymous2:10 PM

    People do seem to forget that the gulls do provide a service they clean up and dropped food which otherwise would attract rats.
