
Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Brown stuff heads down Cumming Street towards the Showies

The odour was unmistakable and brown stuff was visible, mixed in with the grey stuff. Hopefully Scottish Water will get down there quickly for a look and maybe even hose the area down and disinfect? The Gurn has tweeted them. This image was taken about half past twelve and a fair quantity of material had already deposited itself further down the street and on the car park area. More pictures here. 


  1. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Why has the free standing tap got hoses attached to them?

  2. Perhaps to wash the material pictured above away anon?

    This observer believes that the Showman's Guild pay a set fee to the Common Good and that it is all worked out from there but I could be wrong. Ask any of our four Highland Councillors if you need to know more etc.
