
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Strong community reaction against South Nairn planning decision - the next steps - video of Community Council meeting Tues 27th August

It is a rather long video but it is essential viewing for anyone that cares about the future of Nairn and the relationship (or now the lack of it?) between our community and Highland Council. The representatives of the local Community Councils that gathered in the Academy on Tuesday night want to get a better deal for Nairn and to stop the one-way traffic from Glenurquhart Road. Those that spoke made some very forthright comments. If you have a moment today make a cup of tea and listen to the video - it's the future of Nairn they are talking about Gurnites!
The video begins with Dick Youngson, Brian Stewart speaks at 08.00, Graham Vine at 19.48, Leslie Boulton 21.09, Alistair Noble 23.15, Tommy Hogg 30.48, General discussion 33.30, Michael Green 41.00. Another Highland Councillor was present, Colin MacAulay, but he didn't speak. When time permits the Gurn will list the points raised against the time line.

There is some text of parts of statements made at the meeting in the article below - we hope to make more of that available too when time permits.


  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    After watching the video I found it to be well presented with fact and determination to get this matter dealt with professionally and for the best interests for Nairn. I agree with the point things should be done properly when consulting new development. (the saying if a jobs worth doing, do it right comes to mind) This clearly would be a more common sense approach,and should be more cost affective in the long run carrying out the proper stages of priority for development. Obviously no risk assessment had been considered from highland council to reduce the risk of added frustration to the locals having to deal with wrong decisions. This I found interesting as in my last job the HC made a point of wanting risk assessments in place before any activity commenced with people.

  2. we're doomed1:38 PM

    Is it safe for family viewing?

  3. hot air7:27 PM

    I notice Liz didn't attend the meeting, was it another 'fait accompli'?

  4. The Chair of the meeting announced that Liz had sent her apologies.

  5. Anonymous7:49 PM

    all very well,said and done,but in plain English

  6. we want a sequel8:42 PM

    - in plain English

    Some folk are jolly upset because boys in Inverness have been very, very naughty and not listened to them

    They will hold another shindig soon to decide what they should do about the boys in Inverness and Inverness in general

    One mannie who stood up said this was war, its not, don't worry
