
Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Joan Noble's vital planning statistics

Recently it claimed that the planning blueprint " The Highland wide Local Development Plan" was more suited for the heady days of 2006 rather then the more subdued economy of the present day. Consultation on the next stage of the plan the IMFLDP (Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan) is presently ongoing. 

Local planning campaigner Joan Noble is very much of that school of thought and has completed a series of graphs to illustrate her point. Her graphs indicate that deaths presently outstrip births in the Highlands and net migration has also tumbled to a trickle. She also has two graphs showing figures of local and Highland housing completions both present and projected under the Council’s planning blueprint that is out to consultation at the moment. Gurnites might find her observations very interesting, one of Joan’s graphs below and the rest on this document here. 

Links to the Inner Moray Firth Local Development plan pages on the Council website, a Council press release and a Gurn reader’s guide to the  IMFLDP are available in this Gurn article here. 

The Gurn also understands that the Highland wide blueprint will be discussed at the joint Community Council meeting to be held at 7.30 p.m in the URC Church Hall, this evening (Weds 6th November). The Community Councils will also report back on their meeting with Highland Council planners that took place on Monday morning. 


  1. Anonymous4:55 PM

    "....figures suggest there will be an extra 200,000 people in Scotland by 2022 ...."

  2. Joan Noble11:35 PM

    Which mirrors the Nairn estimates from Highland Council of 4% increase in 10 years.

  3. "net migration has also tumbled to a trickle"

    That's not surprising when there's very little building work going on to house new families. Didn't the Gurn mention a figure of 2 new homes per month from Kylauren?

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    "there's very little building work going on to house new families"

    Why do families need new houses? We live in an older property and at the moment there seems to be hundreds of properties for sale in Nairn. No wonder there isn't much by the way of new builds happening, there just isn't the market at the moment. If and when the available properties for sale drys then we might see something happening

  5. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Anon at 12.39
    HSPC have a few in Nairn for sale.
    Which estate agent has hundreds?
