
Tuesday, December 03, 2013

"Anarchy" without Traffic Wardens?

Back in October we reported on the Gurn that there was doubt about the future of the traffic warden service as provided by Police Scotland. At the time Liz said in response to a question from a community councillor: “I think, so far we were hoping the police would continue on in that role in the Highlands but I think the pointers are that it is going to be on the local authority to pick up the traffic wardens but I don’t think there’s going to be a budget coming across.”  More in this article here. 

Today the Inverness Courier splashes with the news that Inverness and Nairn could be without traffic wardens for up to two years as that is possibly how long it could take for the Highland Council to go through the legal machinations to take over the service. More on the front page of today's Courier and the editorial picks up on this issue too. 


  1. yellow meanie7:29 PM

    Not sure if motorists have caught on to Nairn being traffic warden free at the moment, but parking doesn't seem to be anymore difficult/easier than it ever was?

  2. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Give a PC half a day on overtime every few days, the PC will be able to issue enough tickets to cover his pay and make a profit. The illegal parkers would soon learn.

  3. hang 'em9:19 AM

    Why not build a gibbet at either end of the A96 as you come into town to warn motorists that they're really not welcome here. We've already got multiple traffic lights, and near gridlock at times.

    A few bodies of parking offenders hanging from the gibbets with appropriate signs would inform drivers that Nairn really doesn't want them to stop here

    The illegal parkers would soon get the message
