
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Big energy saving week with Nairn CAB - advice stall at Sainsbury's today and tomorrow Friday 31st Jan

This lunchtime the Gurn went up to Sainsbury's to find out a bit more about the Nairn CAB's big energy saving week  that can help you with your bills. Shriley and Marie explained the initiative to us and you can hear what they have to say in the recording below the image. They will be at Sainsbury's again tomorrow (Friday 31st) between 10-2. 


  1. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Well done Gurn more interviews please

  2. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Excellent, the Gurn deserves an award for all the work you put into our community which I understand you carry out for free

    I wish some paid representatives did even half as much for their salaries and pensions

  3. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Dear anonymous 3.02pm
    Like you I think the 'Gurnmeister' deserves an award.
    However I have to gurn about your gurn when you take an unjustified general poke at 'paid representatives'.

  4. Thank you anonymouses - I'll take a knighthood then or a pint of cider - whichever is available at the time.

  5. You just never know11:46 AM

    Dear Graisg Esq,

    I wish to give you notice that your loyal services to Gurning have been brought to the attention of her Majesty who would deem it her sincere pleasure to add you to her honours list for 2014,you will be notified in due course by a letter of confirmation directly sent from Buckingham Palace giving you notice to attend with details of date & time with dress code, it is with great respect that when you receive this correspondence that matters are kept private but information regarding your award will be given to the press & media who will publish the information & may also want to get in touch with you personally.

    yours sincerely
    Hector Ponsonby Augustus
    Lysander Zacharias Mansfield Clayton Tybalt Victor Lucies Sterling Tarquin Pipkins- Smythe.

    Honours list Sec
    Buck House

    Ps please note Cider will be served after the ceremony
