
Monday, January 27, 2014

The second in a series of “Scotland’s Future” public meetings will be held in Nairn on Saturday 1st February at 1pm in the local Community and Arts Centre

Before the details of the second of the YES Nairnshire campaigners series of meetings in 2014 - are there any NO or Better Together Campaigners out there that have meetings planned in Nairnshire in the near future? The Gurn would like to cover your side of the Referendum Debate too if you have any events planned locally. 

Children and Families in an Independent Scotland

The Guest Speakers for this lunchtime event will be the Scottish Green Party’s ex-MSP Eleanor Scott, the SNP’s Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh OBE and local Nairn Councillor, Liz MacDonald.

Prior to being elected as a Scottish Green Party MSP in 2003, Eleanorwas a well-respected Community Paediatrician providing support for children with special needs across the Highlands. She joined the Greens in 1989 and has campaigned on many important environmental issues, including food, rural development, energy and waste.
Eleanor says: "I believe that independence offers a unique opportunity for people in Scotland not only to control their own affairs, but to transform Scotland into a modern democracy with social justice, environmental protection and human rights at its heart".

Tasmina,recently awarded an OBE for services to business and to Scotland's Asian community, is one of the SNP’s candidates at May’s European elections, is the SNP’s National Women’s Officer and is a member of YES Scotland’s Advisory Board. As well as being a partner with a Glasgow law firm, Chair and Founder of Scottish Asian Women’s Association, a TV producer for Elysee Productions International Limited and an accomplished actress, she is a also a mother of four
. She says she is “just a woman doing what every woman does all the time – we look after our families, earn money and balance our lives. We don’t spend a lot of time talking about it because we’re just getting on with it. It’s normal. I’ve met lots of women who are doing amazing things without any recognition – and they are contributing to the improvement of Scotland.”
She believes that: “It’s time to take Scotland’s future into Scotland’s hands so that we can build a Nation which works for all of us. I want women to be front and centre in this debate. And I want to play my part in persuading other women that not only is an independent Scotland possible, it’s the best and only opportunity we have to realise our hopes and our dreams for our families and our country.A country where we value investment in people and investment in society.
A country that reaches out to young people, who are interested in the dreams of the future, not the memories of the past.
A country where there is provision for the most vulnerable in society.
I believe my four children and your children and grandchildren, will have a better life, and enjoy a better and more equal society, in an independent Scotland, caring for each other and their fellow citizens.That is a Scotland I want to live in, and my children to grow up in.
Let’s work together, to make it happen.”

Local CouncillorLiz MacDonald said “I hope that there is a big turnout on Saturday 1st February to hear some different perspectives on how Scotland can become a better and a fairer place for children, young people and families. Nobody now disputes that Scotland has the talent to flourish as an independent country. However this public event provides a great opportunity to discuss and debate how we can transform childcare, invest in education and work together to close the inequalities gaps in our society.”

The third“YES” public meeting in Nairn is scheduled for Thursday 20thFebruary – when the focus will be on an independent Scotland’s place in the modern world.

Details of Guest Speakers to be confirmed shortly.


  1. "Green Party’sex-MSP Eleanor Scott"

    is there perchance a missing space here, or has the Green party become more exciting of late?

  2. Thank you JR for that magnificent example of crowd sourced editing. Sorted now.
