
Friday, February 28, 2014

Northern lights seen in Nairn - best for at least 20 years?

A picture taken by Simon Ross last night  has appeared on Flickr and can be seen here.  There is also a remarkable picture on Tania Wallace's twitter account. If other photographers publish images later we will link to them. This observer would suggest it was the best display that he has seen for at least 20 years. Towards 10.30 p.m. last night there was a continuous arc of green light above the sea which was almost in alignment with the coast. It eventually began to widen and shimmer and treated those watching to a spell-binding display. To the west it turned red as the whole display expanded inland and simultaneously dropped lower over the Firth. It was a remarkable performance by  the aurora or as they say in Gaelic, "Na Fir-Chlis" (the dancing men).

UPDATE: -another image by Simon Ross here.

1 comment:

  1. Saw the light5:26 PM

    Fabulous display last night, with lots of shimmering and a sort of strobe light effect going on.

    It's a pity though that there is so much light pollution on the East Beach from the lights at the Harbour. Can't some of them be switched off or toned down?
