
Tuesday, July 01, 2014

A plea for the holes to be a bit further away from the path (Mill Road to the Riverside)

One of our regular readers contacted us about holes that have appeared on the brae down to the Riverside from Mill Road. For generations bairns have indulged in wee engineering projects along the riverside and it is a tribute to the fact that there are still some youngsters that prefer outdoor life to the sedentary digital device option that it still goes on. But these ones are a bit too close to the path for our correspondent's liking. 

They are just outwith the old BMX track and look as though they have been devised to add to the excitement of some of the existing humps and jumps in the area. Nothing like being creative and trying your own options when young but these look as though they might inconvenience and cause the odd wee moment of danger for the many people that use that path. 

Another regular user of that path told the Gurn that he had nothing against the bairns having as much fun as possible in this area but these holes should really be filled in. So there you are, whoever created the holes, looks like folk are not too bothered by your activities but would like these two holes shifted to a safer spot. 


  1. Anonymous6:42 AM

    As you say, these kids are out and about enjoying fresh air and exercise. They are not stuck in front of a computer so they will be unaware of the complaint that they are doing what they should be doing. By the look of the hole you cold walk over it or round it, if not fill it in yourself and ask the kids to keep their excavations away from the path. You could even ask for a wee shot on one of their bikes and experience the thrill of being young again.

  2. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Good that they are out and about instead of in doors as you say but then maybe they could use the existing jumps instead of digging up other parts of the sarounding areas.

  3. hole lot of nuthin11:34 AM

    Kids digging holes, are they making bear traps or something? I'm failing to see the harm and can't believe some adults wish to make an issue of it. I would say grow up but I guess that in some cases this is as far as you're going to evolve

  4. Anonymous1:26 PM

    What is wrong with using the jumps etc that are already in place ??

  5. Don't want to be a killjoy, but...1:30 PM

    Not far from this path the junior human moles have made massive excavations and yes, these are dangerous, some of the holes are several feet across and several feet deep and go right across the path. These are up past Whinnieknowe in the triangle area.

  6. Honestly...3:50 PM

    OMG, they've dug holes 'several feet across and several feet deep'

    It's obvious that Highland Council should cull these kids who are obviously enjoying themselves.

    The alternative would be to put safety railings around the holes so that nosey adults didn't fall into these very dangerous deep chasms

    Good for the bairns that are amusing themselves with what was a harmless activity until a few killjoys stepped in

  7. Killjoy Silk4:00 PM

    I agree with don't want to be a killjoy if it's the area I think they are talking about which is a path I have used for decades and has been made unsightly, unsafe and virtually unusable by the little burrowers. This has gone beyond the level of bairns amusing themselves with harmless activity and is much more than kids digging holes

  8. Hole lotta love4:03 PM

    I would like to add my voice to these concerned folk about the appearance of holes in Nairn

    Especially at this time of year young people often dig holes on our beaches and add further hazards called sandcastles which the unwary person might well fall over

    I would ask all your readers to be especially alert if walking along Nairn's beaches

    Once again I would ask that Highland Council employs a Hole Warden, without one it's obvious that lives are being put at risk and it's only a matter of time before someone gets a stubbed toe or worse

    Yours etc...

  9. Chill pill4:45 PM

    For goodness sake give the bairns a bit of space to have some fun.
