
Thursday, July 03, 2014

"Nairn academy 2014 end of term FOOTLOOSE" - video of a cool bunch of teachers

Could this video go viral?


  1. Anonymous2:59 PM

    So you only approve positive comments then? So much for free speech! This is rubbish. I don't pay my taxes for teachers to make YouTube videos - the school finished at 12pm yesterday, no doubt putting loads of parents out

  2. Anonymous4:01 PM

    "Anon 2.59pm"

    I am all for teachers being human beings and having a little fun. It's the summer holidays for goodness sake, would't you be excited to have a good few weeks off. After seeing how much my son had on at the end of term, the schools, and more importantly the teachers and support staff have went out their way to make all these things happen! Yes they get paid for some of it... but what about all the school parties, late nights? They are not on overtime! Do you have the first clue the hours lots of teachers put in? The Headteacher at one school is there all next week, when no-one else is. I have seen what time another teacher works and it's a minimum of 10 hours a day and they are not alone! I am not a teacher to clarify that, but I have eyes and ears and appreciate everything these people do to make our kids. I doubt very much the staff make any of the decisions as to when the school closes, maybe you want to have a moan to Highland Council. You are well suited to this blog "Gurn" You only get one chance at life... you can either moan at every single thing that comes along that you don't agree with, or smile and laugh along with people! Lighten up FFS!!

  3. strap line5:16 PM

    Yes our poor teachers should be allowed to have some fun, after all, not as though they get paid much or have long holidays

  4. Have to say that this observer is inclined to go with the "lighten up" school of thought :-) The video seems to be very popular on Youtube.

  5. Anonymous7:27 PM

    What a load of moaning gits. Why shouldn't the teachers have a laugh at the end of the year after putting in alot of time and effort throughout the year. Some bitter people with no sense of humour posting negative comments. Teachers are there to teach not babysit the schools have always finished at noon on the last day so Ur comment on that front is null and void. Grow up get a sense of humour and enjoy life. Just be grateful the children are being taught by a group of teachers who enjoy their work and are not afraid to show it. I for one think this is a great video and can't wait for the next one.
