
Friday, July 25, 2014

Stewart can certainly hack it - footpath across the fields to Firhall Bridge passable again thanks to local hero

Recently we reported on the state on the overgrown footpath that cuts across the fields to the Firhall Bridge -  a walk that has been popular for many years with locals but had become overgrown and virtually impassable this season. Outrage had been expressed on social media that the path hadn't been cut this year. 

One public spirited young man Stewart MacLean set aboot the undergrowth himself on Monday but only had limited time due to work commitments. He returned today, on one of the hottest days of the year, to finish the job and the result is pictured below. Congratulations Stewart, you are a credit to the community and a fantastic ambassador for the younger generation. Maybe the powers that be could find some way to give Stewart some recognition for his selfless hard work for the benefit of others. 

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