
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Golden Oldie Awards 2014 - Recognising the Service and Achievements of Older People

Do you know of any resident of the Nairn area over the age of 60 deserving of an award for their achievements or contribution to the lives of others or the wider community?

If so, now is the time to nominate them for one of the Golden Oldie Awards 2014.

The Golden Oldie Awards is a new initiative being promoted by the RCOP Highland Project (Reshaping Care for Older People). There are 10 awards in total covering all aspects of local life:

· Most Caring Golden Oldie
· Most Active Golden Oldie
· Most Talented Golden Oldie
· Most Enterprising Golden Oldie
· Most Influential Golden Oldie
· Most Inspiring Golden Oldie
· Most Adventurous Golden Oldie
· Golden Oldie Carer of the Year
· Golden Oldie Community Group of the Year
· Golden Oldie of the Year 

Anyone over the age of 60 living in Nairn or any of the surrounding settlements, including Ardersier, Auldearn, Croy, Cawdoretc can be nominated for an award. Nomination forms can be picked up from the community centre, library or health centre and once completed should be returned via postboxes in the same locations. Alternatively forms can be obtained by contacting Roy Anderson on (01667) 455620 or by emailing Nomination form also available online here. 

“You can nominate as many folk as you want for the various award categories. All you need to provide is their name and reasons why you believe they deserve the award,” said Roy Anderson. “We are particularly anxious to recognise the achievements, service and contribution of the many unsung heroes out there, who put others and the community before self. The nomination form itself provides a more detailed explanation of the type of person we are looking for in each category.”

The closing date for nominations is Monday 15th September, after which a small panel will meet to choose a short leet of three award nominees in each category. The individuals (or groups) chosen will then be invited to a glittering Awards Ceremony on the afternoon of Sunday 5th October in Nairn Arts & Community Centre. Representatives from many of the local community groups and organisations, providing services and activities for older people, will also be invited to the Award Ceremony. On arrival guests will enjoy a nice afternoon tea and be entertained by local musicians. 

The date chosen for the event, 5th October, is now recognised nationally as Silver Sunday with events organised across the country to celebrate old age and the contribution of older folk to the community.


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Seems unnecessarily ageist. Why not take away the over 60 stipulation and just give everyone in our community who deserves recognition a chance to be rewarded?

  2. Anonymous4:46 PM

    David Rosie for services to Music, I Think he is 21 doing on 60..........

  3. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Michael Green for being enterprising and bringing the beer tent to Nairn Games day

  4. And the winner is .......10:26 AM

    here are my nomination's for members of the community in Nairn, who deserve to be awarded for all there efforts to try and make nairn a nice place to live and work and have fun

    1) Stephen Smerdon for creating His extremely popular facebook group entitled " nairn when you were a bairn" (many old friends reunited !

    2) The Gurn team from Nairn "for keeping us all uptodate with all the latest news and views of whats going on in our town 3)Sandra Ross for her deviotion to making sure "the Games" run smoothly each year. the list goes on and although not all under 60. i do agree it should include younger folk , inverness does!!
    Im sure there are more we could add to our list' John matheson being one that has just jumped into my head.

  5. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I don't think it's ageist. The older generation are often forgot about and the group organising the awards R.C.O.P are all about older people. Would seem daft if they included all ages when they are promoting care of older people
