
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

NICE to work with Nairn Citizen’s Advice Bureau for joint use of the Old Social Work Building?

One of the proposals on the agenda for the NICE AGM on  Wednesday the 29th of October is for the organisation to work with the CAB in joint use of the Old Social Work building. 

Other items include a proposal to establish a subsidiary company to deliver the Sandown Park & Wetlands Project. The Wetlands project has, for several years, been a mainstay of Nairn Suburban Community Council's vision for future use of the Sandown Lands.

Another item states: "Discussion of “Developing a Partnership Approach” with Highland Council in relation to the recent Charrette for the Town Centre." Action on the town centre post-charrette has been very slow. The recent proposal for a Lidl store at Balmakeith has has also brought town centre affairs back into the public arena so it will be interesting to see if NICE develop a position on the issue of a new supermarket and associated development at Balmakeith.


  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Housing, offices, brewery the list goes on for this building. I wish someone would just use it rather than subject us to the never ending flow of ideas

  2. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Just knock it down. It would provide a few parking spaces that would be useful rather than nice

  3. Anonymous5:55 PM

    What No houses for sandown. It's a damn shame. or maybe a sham.

  4. the wetlands plan is only for part of the southern field anon

  5. suporter of homes8:07 PM

    As has been suggested before. Use it for housing as MURD says Nairn needs the houses. And they already exist there?? Which would also take money in instead of it lying empty. Or is NICE planing the building for there own good and never mind homes for the those who need them.

  6. would be "NICE" to know how much lost revenue has been lost by leaving these buildings empty for such a long period.

  7. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Yawn, yet more airy fairy stuff from NICE who, somehow, never seem to come up with the goods.

  8. In fairness to NICE, they put a lot of work into the nursery proposal but lost out in the end to a more suitable alternative building. The old social work building has an awkward layout which makes it hard to see many potential uses which are realistically achievable on a budget.
