
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sunday was citizens action day - cuts hit the Riverside

The wind had been in the willows overnight into Sunday morning and there were a couple of blockages on the riverside paths. Citizen Murd headed home and swiftly returned equipped to remove the inconvenience for river walkers. 

Nearby, as this picture was taken, another citizen was clearing the riverside of litter. Murd says he often sees people out and about picking up rubbish in these popular areas. 


  1. Trick or treat10:43 AM

    Is this a photo of the mad axeman that wanders along the riverside every Halloween scaring us kids?

  2. Anonymous4:59 PM

    its oor murd getting wood for another shankie bonfire,old habits dir hard,eh murd.

  3. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Ye gote a ticket fir usin that???

  4. Axle Rose10:29 PM

    Ive heard of the chain saw massacare but Murd with s axe makes it look easy.

  5. I have got a bus pass and my pension thought that covers everything??? what else would one need apart from some one to help.

  6. Anonymous5:37 PM

    No doubt you do good murd,but why do you always get your words recorded and you deeds photographed

  7. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I agree with the above sentiment lots of nairnies do good but there's not a camera around to record it!
