
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

River CC to support plan for 20 mph speed limit in their area

Support towards a 20 mile speed limit from River CC members last week at their regular meeting in the URC hall. Before them was a map showing proposed 20 mph limits in the town centre areas, Queenspark, Wellington and Waverley Roads, Lodgehill Road, Chattan Drive, Tulloch and Forbes Drives and Kilaravock Crescent. In fact everything between the A96 after the Showfield and the River. The Fishertown is already a 20 mph zone apart from Harbour Street that was left out of the original "20's plenty" initiative. 

Liz MacDonald suggested that the Community Council include a proposal in their submission to include Harbour Street in the Fishertown 20 mph zone. 


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Tulloch Drive, Forbes Drive and Kilravock Crescent? As these roads are only a few yards long, and dead ends as well, it is hard to see how anyone can exceed 20 mph at present.

  2. A fisher5:25 PM

    Before a new 20mph limit is commissioned might I ask that the River CC revisit the fishertown?
    Signage seems incomplete and in many areas the speed limits that were painted onto the road surfaces have all but disappeared.
    Despite obvious violations of the 20mph limit I've yet to hear of anyone being prosecuted
    I would like to see many more 20mph limits (High St?) but they're of little use if the fishertown is anything to go by

  3. growtosow9:03 PM

    is boath park not on it? as we get some folk who think this is a race track as well. a lot of wee ones about here. and quite a lot of parking on the streets. need i say more.

  4. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Any chance of some consultation from Highland Council (Roads) on proposed new speed limit? Is the plan available to view anywhere? What about locations where current part time 20 mph limits exist near schools - will these be made full time?
