
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Knot a lot - Nairn Birder captures remarkable images

Many Gurnites and visitors to Nairn will be familar with the large flocks of knots that gather on the sandbanks close to Nairn Harbour. The Knots are regular stars of Nairn's rich environmental background and we have featured images before from local enthusiasts and here are some from yesterday - The Nairn Birder said: 

"I always said I was lucky to be at the right place at the right time for a decent photo - well, after spending there hours waiting for these little buggers to fly, I think I should now claim to be at the right place....after loads of patient waiting!"

More images and details on the Nairn Birder pages.


  1. Morton Gillespie3:31 PM

    Great images of these fantastic little birds

  2. David Shaw2:40 PM

    Wish I could take pics like these so I just have to enjoy watching them.
