Saturday, March 28, 2015

Removal of BIg Slide from Nairn Links - Gurn Freedom of Information Request to Highland Council

We've been meaning to send in an FOI request to Highland Council over the Big Slide goings-on for some time now and early on Saturday night is as good a time as any. Here's our four parter FOI below that hopefully might provide a bit more clarity as to how things came about. 

i) Was the decision to remove the Big Slide from Nairn Links a summary decision taken by officer(s) or a decision taken by councillors?

ii) Was the removal of the brae that supported the Big Slide a summary decision taken by officer(s) or a decision taken by councillors? 

iii) Was the removal of the brae part of the original decision? (A Highland Council operational support officer is quoted in a communication that has entered the public domain – “I cannot comment on the flattening of the hill as this was not part of my involvement with the project” which strongly indicates to many observers that this was not part of the initial action of removing the Big Slide. 

iv) If the original decisions or decisions outlined in questions i) and ii) were taken by Councillors where can minutes recording these decision(s) be found.