
Thursday, June 04, 2015

Nairn Healthcare News June 2015

Below is the text from the latest newsletter from Nairn Healthcare Group


Nairn Healthcare welcomed a new Healthcare Assistant, Julie, on the 4th May. Julie will be able to do blood tests, blood pressure checks, well-woman checks, height/weight and 6-monthly diabetic reviews. 

Step Count Challenge completed

Well...we did it. The twenty members of Nairn Healthcare staff upped their steps for 8 weeks and have finally completed the Step Count Challenge. Together, we walked a fantastic 9,377,844 steps which is the equivalent of 4,689 miles. This would be the same as walking from Nairn to Texas!
Well done to our Senior Administrator, Tracey, who won the challenge with an amazing 979,964 steps (464 miles). One of our teams managed to finish 65th out of over 500 in the National Chart so we are very pleased with our efforts. 

 Suffering from a minor illness?

Did you know that the local pharmacist can give you confidential advice and treatment if needed for a number of common illnesses without the need for a GP appointment?

Coughs, colds, sore throats, acne, athletes foot, styes, head lice, cold sores, diarrhoea/constipation, colic and thrush are just some of the conditions the pharmacist can treat. Not only that, they can provide emergency contraception, smoking cessation support plus advice on travel injections and supply malaria prevention.

 OT Equipment

If you require any Occupational Therapy equipment collected from your own home, please call 01463 229691 and a collection will be arranged for you on either a Monday or a Wednesday.

Ticks and Sun Protection

Winter in Nairnshire may be over and we all look forward to getting outdoors in the Summer. However, ticks live in the undergrowth on paths, beside the river and on the moorland. Some of these carry Lymes Disease, which can cause long term health problems if it not diagnosed early. If the tick is correctly removed within 36 hours there is no risk to your health.  For more information on how to stop getting tick bites, what ticks look like and how to remove them, please visit our website: and click on the Forms tab and click the link “Tick Information Sheet”. These information leaflets are also available from reception. 

Also, over the next 3 months, Scotland will be experiencing some strong sunshine, hopefully! To protect against skin cancer we recommend covering up and wearing a hat between the hours of 11am-3pm and wearing sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor between 30 and 50.  Also think about wearing sunglasses and a hat which will protect your eyes, head and face from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Please try to avoid sunburn as this increases the risk of skin cancer in later life.

Telephone Calls

Nairn Healthcare offers patients the opportunity to routinely speak to a GP over the phone rather than attend a face-to-face appointment, this may be more convenient for some people. Over the past 5 weeks, GPs have had 919 routine telephone calls with patients.

Additionally, there is a duty doctor and nurse every day to deal with urgent calls more pressing issues that patients feel need dealt with on that day. Over the past 5 weeks, the duty team have spoken to 2,173 patients for urgent matters.

 MATS Service

If you are 16 and over and suffer from a muscle or joint problem, please call MATS (Musculoskeletal Advice and Triage Service) on 0845 604 001. They are open between 9am-6pm, Monday –Friday. For more information about this service, please visit

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:47 AM

    An amnesty on OT equipment that is no longer needed is a great idea & would save lots of taxpayers money! If you have any equipment that is no longer used please send it back as most of it will be refurbished & re-used.
