
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Paddling pool problems and a big slide replacement a possibility?

The Links playpark area came in for some scrutiny at the regular meeting of River Community Council last Wednesday night in the URC hall. Members of the watchdog organisation were very critical of the fact that the paddling pool was still closed. 

Mike Henderson led the charge, he said:

"I'm a bit disappointed about the situation with the paddling pool [...] that paddling pool should be checked at least a month before it was due to be open not the last minute."

Tommy Hogg chairing the meeting said: "It always used to be done 5th April, the new year and it was always...all the repairs were done ready for the opening and I've seen it open on the week after Easter. "

Mike Henderson then asked who was actually responsible for the paddling pool, Highlife or the Council.

Highland Councillor Liz MacDonald replied: "Highlife Highland manage it for us for the Common Good."

A little later Liz said: "It's going to take significant funds to do a proper repair on that paddling pool."

Mike responded: "why were the temporary repairs not done at Easter rather than July?" 

Tommy interjected: "It was always done when the new budgets came out at April."

Liz added: "There's a lot less staff now as well  as you know but the thing is we're going to be keeping it open for an additional three weeks. " 

The meeting did not seem to be at all impressed by Liz's new information - the impact of colder weather was mentioned. 

Mike Henderson then moved onto Big Slide territory by asking: "Are there any plans by Highland Council to reintroduce a decent-sized chute somewhere in Nairn?" 

Liz said: "We were talking about play areas today and that was on the agenda." 

Gurn opinion: 

There you have it Gurnites looks like a replacement big slide could be on the agenda. It was such a shame that so much time, effort and money was put into the the removal of the big slide and the protective brae behind it. It will be interesting to see what the eventual cost of repair of the paddling pool is (should it every happen in the current climate) in comparison to the amount of cash expended on the unpopular removal that councillors seemed to have no knowledge of until it was in progress.