
Friday, August 07, 2015

Gas mains upgrade work re-starting on Sunday on the A96 at Nairn. Temporary lights will be in use

Update: Friday 7 August

From this Sunday (9 August) we will be returning to complete our section of work at the junction of the A96 with Harbour Street, High Street, Bridge Street and St Ninian Road. These arrangements have been agreed following a review of work at this location earlier in the week.

Work will start at 6am on Sunday and two-way temporary traffic lights will be in use. We're aiming to complete the work by the end of Sunday and will take down the lights before we finish for the day.

We will return on Monday at 9.30am to reinstate the road surface temporarily. Temporary traffic lights will be in use again, however we will take them down at 3.30pm on Monday.

The lights will return at 9.30am on Tuesday so that we can finish our work with permanent reinstatement of the road surface. We are due to complete all the work and remove the lights by 3.30pm on Tuesday.

There is still no access from the A96 into Harbour Street or High Street for approximately four weeks. Traffic will also not be able to join the A96 from Harbour Street. Local diversions are in place.


  1. Working on the nightshift4:48 PM

    Couldn't the work be done at night ?

  2. You couldn't make it up.6:27 PM

    You couldn't make it up.

    Chaos will prevail .............

  3. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Traffic Scotland roadworks map has nothing for Nairn again.

  4. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Found it on upcoming roadworks, another disaster in the making no doubt. And as a previous post's reply said "so what about the drivers moaning", I am thinking about the business's and people trying to get to work and carry out there usual tasks like trying to get to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous5:11 AM

    and I,ll bet my last tenner that the road reinstatement will resemble a lumpy patchwork quilt that will last a year before potholes appear.i seem to remember reading that roads etc when dug up are supposed to be reinstated to original condition.

  6. "and people trying to get to work" That's why they are starting at 09.30 Mon and Tues?

  7. The car is not king11:02 PM

    Anon at 9.31pm says "Disaster in the making", that's a wee bit strong isn't it? It's only a traffic jam for god's sake. Wish these folk in their cars would take a look at themselves (plenty of time to look in the mirror when they're sitting in the jam ;)) and realise that the world does not revolve round them. Contrary to what they might think the roadworks have not been dreamt up specifically to piss them off.
