
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

List MSP speaks out on Nairn Traffic Lights issue

David Stewart, a Labour MSP, states on his facebook account that Nairn shouldn't have to wait for a bypass before the traffic lights issue is sorted:

"The fact is that we need to come up with a solution to the horrendous traffic jams in Nairn now, not in a few years time and a proper look at the traffic management systems is required. I will be writing to the Transport Minister asking him to look at this issue as a matter of priority because the situation has now become so bad that traffic has almost trebled on the back road between Auldearn and Culloden Moor, which is a road that is not really fit for that amount of traffic, so we have a road safety issue here as well."

More here on the Labour MSP's facebook page and all the latest anti-traffic lights craic on the "Remove Nairn Traffic Lights" pages.   A page that could become essential reading for all candidates for Holyrood in May 2016?


  1. Cynic3:32 PM

    Call me a bloody cynic but this issue has been running for years and lo and behold we have an election round the corner. When David Stewart was running for parliament he trawls round his patch for anything he can drag up that can give him some publicity.

  2. Anon, you say the last time you heard David Stewart in Nairn was at the AGM of a Nairn organisation about 12 years ago - fair enough and you ask if he still knows where Nairn is, fair comment too.
    If you have a record of the questions he was asked at that meeting then that would be helpful if you wish us to post that part of your comment from your anonymous position. Also a link to his voting record on the subject.
    You say he is/was a Blairite - again some info on that suggestion would be helpful.

    You go on to say "Good to see that he has belatedly noticed Nairn's traffic issue. Is he standing for election in 10 months time?" again fair comment. Anything else though, please give us further details. He's a public servant and takes a wage for it so he is fair game but fair play to all when it comes to taking a pop. Cheers

  3. Exasperated4:06 PM

    Maybe this will spur on some of the politicians and wannabee politicians who live closer to home than Mr Stewart to get off their backsides and get this problem sorted out. There is no point invoking 'the bypass' because, if it ever happens, it is still a long way off and this ongoing situation needs sorted now.

  4. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Remove the Lochloy traffic lights, install a mini roundabout, problem solved!

  5. Anonymous5:45 PM

    No record of the Qs and As - but it is common knowledge that the Blair/Brown government sold off 51% of Air Traffic Control agency - only a few years after the blue Tories had decided that it was a privatisation too far. Dave Stewart is a nice guy - no rebel there - but I'd bet Corbyn voted against it!!

  6. Anonymous5:49 PM

    It's easy to down Mr Stewart for stating quite a few facts that many Nairnites know to be true and it's also very easy for supporters of other political groups to dish him. In fact it seems to be their first objective and not working toward a solution in this town. I am a typical highlander in the fact that I think most of the parties are all as bad as each other. But at least he seems to be trying to do something about it and if he is up for election in 10 months time and this makes him try harder then "good". Best of luck to him. Having watched this saga play out on social media both here and FB I think that at least he isn't throwing his rattle out of the pram or sticking his head in the sand like many of our local politicians when it doesn't go their way.. Shame on them for not pushing it more. Doubtless someone will call me a Tory, Blairite, Green, Liberal, Nationalist.....yes I'm bits of all of them. Just please find a solution without slagging someone's thinking.

  7. Pull up to my bumper baby6:50 PM

    All of us who live or travel through Nairn know of the problem that the traffic lights cause us. No one seems to want to pick this issue up and run with it even though we've had to live with it for years

    It's fine for any politician to spout supporting rhetoric but we need actions not words

    Witness how many Nairnites drive around with faded Lib Dem stickers in their car windows calling for a Nairn bypass

    SNP councillors in Nairn seem to be muzzled by their party and independent ones have little clout

    David Stewart is just more hot air that we don't need

    Nairn is left in a no man's land. The bypass is on the horizon (maybe) meanwhile and understandably no one wants to invest in out traffic infrastructure.

    I would suggest switching all the A96 lights off and reducing the speed limits to 20mph in Nairn but that's probably much too sensible and anyway the bypass will be here any minute now, won't it?

  8. Cynical Sue6:52 PM

    Hmm, not so sure that this isn't Dave Stewart seeing an opportunity? Considering this has been an ongoing situation for some time how come it's taken so long for him to mention it? Just saying.

  9. Spurtle7:56 PM

    A wry smile forms on my lips every single time the ire of motorists often futile attempts to traverse out town spills out into the media....

    Whether an attempt by some political munchkin to earn Brownie points, or a group of irate townsfolk raging against the machine, it just makes me come over all nostalgic.

    It doesn't ellicit an urge to recreate the days when horse and cart ruled the's not as far back in time as all that sepia mush...

    No , I think it must have been about 2008, when Sainsbury's planning application was lodged, and meetings held. It was pointed out at the time by some folks who had actually bothered the read the application, that the amount of extra traffic lights which would come as part of the deal at Transport Scotland bidding, would probably cause a s**t load of issues for traffic in the town.

    Unfortunately , along with the elected Councillors at the time and some of the Community Councils, people's vision just seemed to be affected by an orange hue.

    The decision made by Transport Scotland that resulted in the extra lights could and should have been challenged at the time and the consequences of their installation investigated more fully at the public enquiry.

    Any lessons learnt as a result?
    Is the Devil in the detail?
    Should people be careful what they wish for?

    Folks will have to make their own minds up but I can guarantee that , come the next application for more out of town retail units, hardly anyone will read the small print , or think of the potential consequences... then they'll just all stand around in a few years and find someone to point an accusatory finger at....

  10. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Personally I don't give a hooting tooting flip who takes on the role of charging through this road matter with the authority's, and producing a better outcome as long as the job gets done and it actually works for all, to get Nairn back on track.

  11. Time to think out of the box?11:03 PM

    Ok, Spurtle, so mistakes were made and missed in 2008 but you'd think that enough time has passed for someone in authority (or someone who can change things) to have the balls to stand up and admit it. No, that's probably asking too much but do any of them have the balls to stand up and just change the bloody system? To quote old Albert Einstein, Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  12. Just wonder how the lights got turned off in Blairgowrie?

    Was it just an outbreak of common sense or did someone kick ass?

  13. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I don't think their road is a "Trunk Road" under Transport Scotland / Bear. So just a Council decision. However, worth Liz and Stephen using to build a stronger case when they next meet Keith Brown.

  14. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Right...can the err 'powers that be' and I say that under bated breath, just do a TWO TRIAL and switch off ONLY those traffic lights that were put into place during the Sainsbury construction period? Why is that such an outrageous idea? Are 'they' scared at what the results might be? Are 'they' up to the challenge?

  15. Anonymous8:29 AM

    The traffic lights should have been put on the Manse Road/Waverly Road crossroads the road that is used most for schools, hospital and Clinic. Get rid of Albert Strreet and Seabank road lights.
    Box junctions if only people knew how to use them, let the traffic flow freely, but if people keep stopping on them, it's no wonder folk get angry if they can t get out of junctions, because someone hasn t read the Highway Code.

  16. The traffic lights at Albert Street are especially dangerous. They force westbound traffic to tail back over the pedestrian crossing. Millbank pupils can sometimes be seen having to cross it between still moving cars.

    Do we really have to wait for a serious accident before someone with the power to make a decision finally stands up and does so?

  17. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Sorry missed out the week in my comment above, mean't to have read TWO WEEK TRIAL

  18. Anonymous6:18 PM

    @brian turner

    The problem you outline Brian is not about traffic lights but road users ignoring the Highway Code. I would suggest the problem would be even more acute without the crossing. It would be greatly helped if more parents left their cars at home and pupils walked to school as is clearly shown by the demise of traffic congestion in Nairn when schools are on holiday

  19. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Sounds like a very cost effective trial that anon 8.03 and 11.25 mentioned. The phrase "common sense" springs to mind. How much harm would it do. We didn't seem to need these traffic lights before Sainsbury appeared. Course we could always stick in average speed cameras ? They really work don't they. Course I dare say our local political "elite" will down it as per party doctrine or in some cases chase their own agendas.
