
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Christmas Lights switch-on entertainment Friday 27th November from 6 pm

A comprehensive programme of festivities planned for Friday November 27th in Nairn. Details in the poster below. Michael Green told the Gurn:

"As per the attached programme , there will be a Santa’s Grotto distributing free gifts, pantomime characters ( Calamity Jane @ The Little Theatre ), elves and musical entertainment

There will be a professional fireworks display from Scotland’s premier fireworks exponent. Hot food and drinks will be available outside the Classroom and the roads will be shut off from 5.00pm onwards.

All in all, it’s going to be a another great night of Nairn festive entertainment and cheer."

Here's how it looked last year. The Gurn understands however that there will be no Christmas Tree Festival in Saint Ninian's Kirk  as permission was refused for this year. 


  1. The world's going mad8:36 PM

    Fireworks, they're having bloody fireworks! They didn't have fireworks at the bonfire so why are they having them for the switch on of the Christmas lights?

  2. Stephen smerdon9:57 AM

    Well done to Michael Green, this is exactly the kind of events this town needs,keep up the good work !look forward to seeing what else you have in your diary!
