
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Murd wants your vote on Saturday

Murd is canvassing for support at the Nurturing Nairnshire event to be held in the Community Centre on Saturday when funding will of between £200-£2500 will be distributed to the projects with the most votes. Here's what he has to say.

"Your support is needed.
If you think my campaign for A ramp at the Firhall Bridge is worth supporting please go down to the Nairn Comunity Center and cast your vote for it. There is Money out there for this but it has to be applied for.

You know the saying if you don't ask you wont get. So again I ask for your support for those who need a ramp at the bridge. Give five minutes   of your time on Saturday and let your thoughts for others be known.
Support the Ramp
Murd Dunbar"
Murd demonstrates how wheelchair uses could use the Firhall Bridge if a ramp were to be installed. 

Others looking for a vote that we know of are the NAS Orchard Group (Gurnmeister declares and interest here). Please see video below.

We have also heard of a few other bids, there is the Nairn Play Group. Nairn Rocks are looking for funding to help with their planned Family Fun Day. The Nairn Welfare football Association are hopeful of a cash boost to help refurbish the Riverside soccer facilities. There are also many others apparently and voting is in the community centre on Saturday, you have to register to vote from 09.30 onwards. 


  1. Let them eat cake12:09 PM

    The application process for Nurturing Nairnshire is insane. Was it dreamt up by a Tory, forced to hand some crumbs to the peasants who dreamt up the idea of making it a cruel game whereby they had to fight amongst themselves for a handout?

    Anyone who wants to apply for this funding is forced to attend the community centre for a good part of the day along with their supporters and then gets to vote for projects. Guess what, they're going to vote for their own first

    Why the need to make this a humiliating public spectacle, surely grant applications can be dealt with in a much more reasoned/humane way?

    Perhaps the idea was for public involvement in the scheme, but manage to secure enough of your own supporters on the day and you've won. Numb bums on seats needed for one day, it's hardly democracy as the great majority of the population don't get to vote

    Personally I hope groups attending rig it so all the projects get equal votes and a share of the monies

    I've been sceptical in the past but surely a better way to allocate funds would have been through a committee or a bunch of worthies rather than this bun fight?

    I hope the person behind this process owns up and is placed in the stocks for the day (I'm applying for funding for a set in the town square for just such people)

  2. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I felt as though we'd been kettled at the event today. Surprised there weren't Police outside with riot shields to keep us in. Well done to those who got money, I'll never go to another event like that. How could Murd not be given some funding?

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I guess it is a Elastoplast that covers over the fact that we don't have proper local government. Bring back Nairnshire County Council with 10 geographical ward Councillors. No need then for Community Councils or Highland Council or for decentralised community-empowered participatory symbolism.
