
Saturday, April 02, 2016

Nairn Healthcare News April 2016

Inverness Half Marathon

Nairn Healthcare wishes to congratulate two members of staff for completing the Inverness Half Marathon. Administrators Tracey Paterson and Wendy Arnott, completed the 13 mile run on Sunday 14th March in a fantastic time of 2h 34m and 2h 41m respectively. Their efforts raised £750 for the Highland Hospice. Well done ladies!

Tick Information

Winter is now officially over and we are all looking forward to Summer and getting out in the countryside and gardens.

However, the country undergrowth from Spring until Autumn is covered in tiny ticks which may carry bacteria and can transfer to people when the tick attaches
itself. If the tick is removed properly and correctly, there is no risk to health but there is a risk of developing Lyme disease if this is not done correctly.

A symptom of Lyme disease is a red skin rash which can be cured with a simple antibiotic. If the rash goes unnoticed, it can result in joint pain or nerve problems which may require stronger antibiotics.

If you find a tick on yourself or your child, wait until you get home and calmly remove the tick with a tick removal tool which is designed to get underneath the tick and lift it off safely. Don’t attempt to remove it with your fingers. Using fingers or tweezers risk squeezing the tick and actually injecting the Lyme disease bacteria into your blood.


For more information, please pick up the Tick Information Guide from reception or read online at

Cervical Screening

Cervical screening aims to reduce the likelihood of cervical cancer in women by detecting pre-cancerous cervical changes and we would like to encourage more women to attend for their check-up. Women aged between 20- 60 are invited to have a cervical smear every three years. From June 2016, the eligible age range will change to 25-64 years with 25-50 year olds being screened every 3 years and 51 – 64 year olds every 5 years.

Out of 3,477 women invited for a smear between the months of July-December 2015, 78% attended for this test. Nairn Healthcare would like to see this figure rise and urge more women to come in for this valuable screening. It could save your life.

The King's Fund

Nairn Healthcare was joined by The King’s Fund on Wednesday 16th March. The King’s Fund is an independent charity based in London and has been involved in leadership development since 1951. They work with individuals, teams and organisations from across the health and care system to improve performance and support the delivery of high-quality care. They also carry out research and analysis to lead change in the way that people think about leadership and culture in the NHS.

Vijaya Nath (Director of Leadership Development), Matthew Rice (Senior Consultant, Leadership Development) and Rachele Rossini (Programme Co-ordinator) arrived in the Highlands for a 2-day Study Tour to discover more about healthcare within NHS Highland. They were greeted by Elaine Mead, Chief Executive of NHS Highland and Maimie Thompson and visited a variety of locations.

On the final day of their trip, they joined Dr Adrian Baker and Practice Manager, Tanya Bowie to discuss the progress made over the last few years. The national crisis in recruitment and retention of GP’s was familiar to the visitors. The team had considerable experience in the healthcare in different settings in Europe and North America. They congratulated the practice on the process and the changes that the Practice has made since October with the assistance of NHS Highland and the public involvement in the Rapid Process Improvement Workshop.

They were particularly interested in Nairn Healthcare’s appointment system and how this had been worked through with the help of NHS Highland and local public representatives. The joint working with the local care homes and the 180 residents was discussed along with the integration between the Practice and fellow community services. The building also featured highly and everyone acknowledged how this integrated facility worked exceptionally well to enhance joint working within the teams and has improved patient care. The practice was commended on the quality of care provided to the Town and County patients by the multidisciplinary team and for continuing to provide 24 hour care, 7 days a week for the local public by the practice and highly skilled A&E nursing team.

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