
Friday, May 06, 2016

Fergus Ewing re-elected as MSP for Inverness and Nairn

Also two of the candidates that stood in the Constituency against Fergus, Ed Mountain (Scottish Conservative) and Dave Stewart (Scottish Labour) were returned on the list vote for the Highlands and Islands. 


  1. Green9:19 PM

    Well done to John Finnie for successfully being selected as a list MSP for the Scottish Green party. John is a fine politician that I have the upmost respect for

  2. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Seems like the Heilands also got three Tories off the list - does anyone really understands how that works then?

  3. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I have a confession to make. Despite being a lifelong socialist, I voted Tory for the first time in my life. Why? Because I have become sick and tired of listening to the nationalists banging on about "independence". The nationalists have had their referendum and got the answer from the Scottish people. No voters are not the idiots or misinformed cretans, that some of my independence supporting friends suggest. Time to respect the result of that referendum and move on. Please..........!!!

  4. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Anon 9:33
    It's the proportional representation element of the election for the Scottish Parliament. Perhaps this is in recognition of those highlanders who voted for the Conservatives and that they receive some representation in Holyrood. By the way the opposite happens in the UK general election where with only 50% of the votes you can win nearly all the seats.

  5. Anonymous12:30 PM

    It works this way - indi 2 now dead in the water and with Labour in free fall the Union is alive and well for the foreseeable future. Westminster rules and further cuts on the way - what a bleak future!

  6. Anonymous2:33 PM

    to Anon @ 8:39PM...Join the club, voted tory to get some opposition to hold the SNP to account. I thought that the referendum vote was the act of democracy?? So you lost, the public (with a 84% turn out) voted 54.30% NO. So stop harping on about it & wanting another go as you just sound like poor losers.

    Anyway at the time didn't the SNP state it was a once in a generation vote? Usually a "generation" is classed as 20-25yrs, & they want another indi vote in the next 5yrs!!

  7. #bettertogether3:21 PM

    It's good to see that the Gurn has several readers who are so affluent that it's in their selfish interest to vote for the Tories and support the union, cuts etc. Well done, you've done awfie well for yourselves, pat on the back, you must be proud

  8. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Anonymous @ 8:39 AM said:-

    "Because I have become sick and tired of listening to the nationalists banging on about "independence""

    Where have you been the last few months? I think you`ll find that it was Ruth Davidson for Leader of the Ruth Davidson Don’t Mention We’re Tories Until After the Election Ruth Davidson Party, Dugdale & Wee Willie Winkie(Rennie)that kept bringing the referendum up @ every opportunity!! ... that`s all they had to say full stop, no real policies only the same old same old, the SNP never even brought the referendum up one single time until the others mentioned it!! look back @ the debates, newspapers & various news clips & you will see what I say is true ... you are talking nonsense, get your facts right!!

  9. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I sometimes people should pass a test before they can vote. SNP = Scottish National Party. Given it's name I wonder as to what this parties main goal might be? It's a tricky one and clearly some voters are unable to fathom this

    Glad to see some numpties managed to vote Tory, I hope you get all that's coming to you

  10. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Once per generation seems reasonable. They have given us one in 300 years. I think that entitles the Scottish people a few more in the next 30.
    One every 5 years will do me!

  11. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Socialists voting Tory .......
    Why not just go the whole hog and vote Ukip?

  12. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Well a lifelong socialist voted Tory. Congratulations. Just goes to show how many Red Tories there are out there. Blair, Brown and Murphy come to mind but to name a few. Keep voting Tory and soon it will be £8 per prescription for all.

  13. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Is that humble farmer chap, Tory, Edward Mountain who some people voted for not a Baronet?

    All in it together comes to mind. Aye right, just some animals are more equal then others

    Still, good to see that some folk think they have a lot in common with the minority elite who currently not only run the Westminster government but own most of the UK as well

  14. Anonymous8:24 PM

    It is clear from the remarks on here just how divided Nairn is on the subject of independence. Attacking the people who choose to vote for Tory candidates is shameful :-(

  15. It's Saturday night let's all chill shall we? Slàinte.

  16. Anonymous6:54 AM

    One thing I would add is that to some UKIP and its views towards the EU are on the same line as Nationalists towards Westminster. Me, me, me, look at the evil regime. Just different villains in the same panto.

  17. Anonymous7:50 AM

    All the cuts we will be getting in services from SNP over the next 4 or 5 years,will be the proof of the pudding.
    They can't blame anyone else,they are in charge of almost everything now. I just hope we are not worse off.
    Will Scotland's results on the EU referendum be published, I am not meeting any folk that want to stay in.
    Independence? But not Without EU. LOL.

  18. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Anon @ 7:50
    On the subject of the EU. I have often heard from the SNP that if the UK votes to leave but Scotland votes to stay would trigger indyref2. However not heard the SNP position if UK votes to stay but Scotland votes to leave. Nicola to lead the charge for Scotland's solo exit perhaps?

  19. All in it together8:24 AM

    @ 6:54 AM

    Under your blinkered blanket look at politics maybe you'd like to add certain folk in Nairnshire wanting to devolve powers back to a local level as well?

  20. @ 7:50 AM

    Any Holyrood government is dependent on monies from Westminster with regard how much they have to spend. True they have some tax raising powers but imagine the negative reaction if taxes were raised in Scotland and not rUK

    The recent election result for Holyrood is a clear indication of support for the SNP and presumably their current polices

    As for meeting folk who wish to remain in the UK you need to get out more - LOL

  21. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Just spotted Nairn boy, Fraser Nelson, on Andrew Marr predicting that SNP has reached their high water mark and it's downhill for them from here. I know he's a Tory but we'll have to wait and see.

  22. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Taxes will be higher in Scotland, Nicola is not going to raise the tax threshold for some folk. That is higher taxes. the rest of the U.K.gets it from next April so that us a cut for them.

  23. Anonymous9:06 AM

    8:24. Neither the eu nor UK government are perfect. Devolution of some powers may always be the right thing to do. But surely you would not advocate independence for Nairnshire.

  24. Anonymous11:14 AM

    The discussions on here about possible future indyrefs are interesting. I am undecided on the matter. However I do wonder if independence would be a bit like the summer. Much looked forward to, but a huge disappointment when it finally arrives. :)

  25. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Nothing in life (or politics) is ever written in stone, everything can change in a heartbeat so for people who keep on harping about the supposed "once in a generation" quote (was it ever actually said?) get real, things move on and we have to adapt or react or compromise to life or situations as they happen. Time to think and find out things for yourselves people, and stop being led by the nose by the media and political parties. And, oh, what is wrong with independence for Nairnshire? :)

  26. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Anon @ 8.39 said:

    "I have a confession to make. Despite being a lifelong socialist, I voted Tory for the first time in my life."

    You were NEVER a Socialist in the first place then! .... I find your `confession` incredible!

  27. Anonymous10:13 PM

    65% of the time Scotland is ruled by Tories in Westminster that 100% of the time we don't vote for - first past the post is not democracy - that's why we need self-determination. 70% of young people want independence so it's not if but when.

  28. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Dear 10:13
    Where on earth do you get your figures from? Post referendum analysis showed that 51% of 16 to 24 year olds opposed independence. Also 20% of SNP supporters voted no. Not my figures but YouGov's.
    Dear 12:45
    Tactical voting is a legitimate Scottish activity. I recall when Tories voted in droves for the SNP to try to keep Labour out. The SNP were known as the Tartan Tories in the 1970's.

  29. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Some forget what Thatcher's Tories did to Scotland. Like a Westminster Wiking, she stole and she ravaged. She left entire communities as desolate as Smaug. 70% and more of Scotland dislike, distrust, loathe, hate Tories. Perhaps because how close they have experienced her legacy? Perhaps because they never, ever want to see her like again?

  30. Anonymous4:51 PM

    So the 2016 election in Scotland, 2,279,153 people cast their vote in "constituency votes", with 2,285,752 in the regional votes.
    SNP got 1,059,897 & 953,987 votes respectively.

    In the 2014 independence referendum 3,623,344 people cast their vote.
    Yes got 1,617,989
    NO got 2,001,926

    I think people are more concerned about "Union or independence" than who runs the country. However if a party aligns itself to one side of the argument then that view will take precedence in voter minds, which is why labour lost up here, as they did not commit.

  31. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Anon 4:51
    I think that you are right. Scottish politics has become polarised around the issue of independence rather than straight left/right politics. Despite the unpopularity of the Tories people voted for them in large enough numbers to "save" the union. The Nats made an error in not ruling out another referendum this parliament. If they had done so they would probably have achieved an overall majority. That they did not is a shame as the situation now is a de facto no indyref until the next parliament, at the earliest.

  32. Anonymous9:32 AM

    De facto???
    The people will be given a referendum when we want one.

  33. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Anon 09:32
    The result of the election is evidence that "we" don't want any more independence referenda any time soon, especially as we have only just recently had one. To demonstrate that "we" want another referendum it requires that a political party stands for election with a manifesto seeking a mandate for one. No party stood on such a platform in the recent election.

  34. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Two small points.
    Everyone voting SNP knows full well that the SNP very reason for being is to gain independence for our country.
    The SNP manifesto is very clear that if it is clear at any stage that the majority clearly support independence, then it is up to the Scottish Parliament.
    Rock on Thomas .......

  35. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Two big points.
    In ITV interview in April last year oor Nicola said: "If you vote for the SNP you are not voting for independence you are not even voting for another independence referendum". I believe Nicola was being honest.
    The Scottish Parliament cannot unilaterally hold an independence referendum without the agreement of the UK Parliament. The path to an early second referendum is problematic and I believe that the SNP leadership doesn't want one anyway.

  36. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Just read the manifesto please.
    The SNP is as always pragmatic.
    Also remember more people voted SNP than the next 3 parties put together.
    Great times ahead for Scotland!

  37. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Great times ahead for Scotland as part of a United Kingdom!

  38. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Greater times ahead for Scotland when we become independent, just a question of when

  39. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Excellent times ahead.
    Need to convince a few more oldies.
    I think most realise what a chancer Brown was and Cameron is.

  40. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I rest my case. Nationalists still banging on about independence nearly two years on from the referendum that rejected it. Not a word on here about how the SNP government is going to use their new devolved powers to address the issues that affect the everyday lives of Nairnites. I despair!!
