
Monday, July 11, 2016

The High Street gets a spruce and polish from local volunteers

Council cut backs mean that, like it or not, there are a lot of things which were done in the past that are now no longer guaranteed or not done as frequently as they might have been. The High Street may not seem to be as litter and weed free as we’re used to and, whether this is down to lack of cash or manpower, who can tell.  

On Sunday morning a small, but determined band of local volunteers, led by Sheena Baker and including members of ANB, business owners and some of their staff, hit the street armed with brushes, mops and buckets and during a two hour period pulled up weeds, swept up rubbish, pressure washed pavements and paths and polished and washed the outside of some High Street premises.  

A small start maybe, but it shows what can be done in a short space of time if the momentum is there. Will we be seeing more of this in the future?

More images of the clean up here.


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Well done folks.

  2. Helen, Rose Street.10:00 AM

    I wasn't able to take part in this yesterday, but if another High Street wash 'n brush-up is planned I'd definitely be up for it. Now that I've found 'A Gurn from Nurn' I'll keep my eyes peeled. :)

  3. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Well done to all, a great job and lovely to see the community spirit, I wish I had been fit enough to help.
    One question though,why were they cleaning windows and doors of existing businesses, I worked in a few shops over the years and the staff cleaned the windows once a week and washed down their own bit pavement every morning at opening time.. They must be getting to posh to wash. Or too lazy.

  4. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Well done to all involved,giving up your time & all your hard work, that`s a really nice thing to do!

  5. Anonymous6:17 AM

    What a difference to the High St after clean up. It was a pleasure to walk down and see clean weed less pavements. Thank you!
