
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Murd not happy with Hospital bus stop knock back and vows to fight on

Citizen Murd Dunbar promises to continue his bus stop campaign, fresh from the
The bus stop that can't be used
recent Whinnieknowe success Murd is annoyed by the latest correspondence from Highland Council via Fergus Ewing but vows to continue.

The existing bus stop in the hospital grounds cannot be used because of traffic flow going the wrong way. Murd thinks the solution is to shift the shelter to the side of the Cawdor Road and tells the Gurn: “I'm not pleased with this reply and I'm looking for public support for a sensible working bus shelter located at the hospital. I just can't believe that they are saying it is not used by many and would block the pavement when there is ample room for it in the ground of the hospital as the picture shows. “

Murd also asks of local Councillors: “ If they would fancy stanging for a bus in all kinds of wheather. It is not just people from the hospital that require it. The area is surrounded by sheltered housing care homes.”

Murd promises that he will try and get this on the agenda of the next meeting of Nairn River Community Council. NRCC have been having big turnouts of members of the public at their meetings recently and issues going there tend to get quite a high profile these days both in the traditional media and the online social sphere too. 

Where the bus stop should go on the Cawdor Road according to Murd


  1. The bus stop that cant be used
    Acording to the letter it's not there and never was.Just some of the quotes from the letter.
    Over the past months assessment carried out the usage extremely low and does not warrant a Bus shelter.
    Another drawback the footway is not wide enough.
    {I Requested it to be to be moved to the space shown in the photo knowing it could not go on the pavement}
    Nairn Dial A Bus dose bring people to and from the Hospital customers get picked and dropped off at the door.
    There has never been a bus shelter erected within the Hospital grounds. There is a bicycle shelter in a corner that looks like a bus shelter.

    Pleas take note there is no consideration for anyone ells who requires a shelter there.

    I do try to get improvements for the good of every one but it is nice to think I have the support of the community for what I think is A good cause.
    This Blog is well read all over.
    SO if you think the cause is worth while let your thoughts be known to all.
    On the Blog and by any other way you think. Will help get a shelter that I THINK should be there for all who need one.
    It can be a hard struggle on my own.

  2. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Murd is correct. If anywhere needs a bus shelter it's the hospital and there is ample room in the grounds for it.

  3. Beggars Belief9:00 AM

    It is incredible that the authorities between them can't get this sorted out. We have four Highland Councillors earning a very nice wage too and they seem to have done nothing. It is left to Murd to try and sort it out. What a mess, I'm voting for none of them unless Murd wants to stand.

  4. Anonymous9:21 AM

    It beggars belief that the place in town that would benefit from a bus shelters the most to accommodate our elderly and Ill patients is not deemed necessary. I also am not voting to elect any of the present councillors if this is there attitude to our senior citizens and those who would benefit from such a shelter
    Hang your heads in shame

  5. Anonymous9:27 AM

    It just shows that they all don't care, if you can't afford a car or don't have anyone to pick you up or to get you to an appointment then you can go and stand in the rain, snow or ice, there's not even a seat there. Very bad attitude to those less fortunate.

  6. Hard cheese9:40 AM

    Welcome to the world where the majority voted to keep Scotland in the union and also voted for Brexit. We're still awaiting the full force of post Brexit but I doubt it'll be pleasant

    What has this got to do with a bus shelter? The UK is now a place where all public services are going through severe cuts and any expenditure is questionable. We're also now in a society whereby the have's and have not's are markedly different in terms of their resources. Those with money don't need a bus shelter so why should they pay towards one? Those who need the shelter are often those people without a voice.

    Is this the Scotland we want? Judging by our voting habits in the last few years apparently so. As a country we're happy to be governed by Westminster and all that brings upon our people. There will be much worse to come and we'll need more than bus shelters to protect the vulnerable

  7. Free diners9:52 AM

    Off topic a bit but just wondering if Highland Councillors still get free diners at HQ?

  8. Devil's Advocate10:06 AM

    Is there actually a need for a bus shelter? Any survey's been done, any figures available on potential users?

  9. Food for thought.11:49 AM

    Food for thought.
    Devil's Advocate ask your self if you would of enjoyed standing for a bus in the weather we had last week or any other time?. As said before not only for HOSPITAL where people are coming and going all day.
    Why don't you conduct your own survey on a cold wet day. The bus company would be the best people to ask for the usage. No point in asking the H.C. they cant see the shelter that wants shifting.

  10. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Why not change the flow of traffic? The current flow is plain daft.

    If traffic all entered through the gateway closest to St Olaf (The Manor) and filtered to the right, surely the problem would be resolved? I am aware that some traffic comes from that side of the hospital, I don't think there is a complete circuit of traffic right around the building.

    Maybe a crowd funder could be put in place? That is if no change to traffic flow can be negotiated.

    A shelter can't possibly cost that much to install... can it?

    Good luck anyway, last time I drove out the hospital, about 3yrs ago, I was nearly wiped out by an individual cutting right across in front of me! I have no idea how the ambulances manage to get in and out safely.
