
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Objections to high density housing scheme on Jac's former home stacking up

If you have a moment pop along to have a look at the Highland Council e-planning pages for the application for 31 affordable homes on the former Morganti plot just on the left there the other side of the railway bridge on the Forres Road.  Click on the Comments tab and then Public Comments on this e-planning page here to see the objections. 

Wonder what the result will be fellow Gurnites - 31 homes on a wee high density site with the destruction of all the trees or something a lot more sensible with the retention of the trees? Why should folk have to live on high density schemes just because they are tenants in social housing? 

Will the future layout of Nairn be decided on profit alone or will the community have a voice? 

Will Community Empowerment become real and tangible in Nairn or will it become  another centralised service scooped up by the Glenurquhart Road high heid yins and delivered by Death by Powerpoint presentations? People in Nairn need power and influence when it comes to planning for that to happen and for the democratic deficit in Nairn to start to be rectified. The track record is not good, good luck to Tom Heggie and those of his colleagues willing to fight on the town's behalf - we await with interest how this application goes.