
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Laurie Fraser calls for entire Council budget to be devolved to Nairn

Here's the point in last week's Highland Council meeting where he calls for full financial control of the budget for Nairn and, interestingly, he states his full support for Dingwall Councillor Margaret Patersons and her threat to resign from the administration if car parking charges go ahead.


  1. I'd have full respect if the Nairn Parking Charges Three councillors threatened to resign but somehow I reckon their salaries rather than their communities will prove the bigger pull. Very happy to be proved wrong

  2. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Did Cllr Heggie not back our Provost up?

  3. A lot going on still behind the scenes on parking Anon, was a lot of discussion over at River CC meeting tonight and got the feeling that there could be real trouble at Highland Council yet, Tom and Laurie weren't saying much but what they did say was interesting, will do an article if time permits later this week.

  4. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Looking forward to your next epistle Mr GFN
