
Saturday, May 19, 2018

Liz disappointed that Nairn has to wait another six years before getting flood prevention scheme

Click on the video below to hear Liz speaking at the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee at Highland Council last Thursday (17th of May).  This Gurn article here from January 2016 gives details of the risks to Nairn from flooding and what needs to be done. 


  1. Anonymous11:05 PM

    And we all know what would happen if Inverness was in the same position don't we. The money would be found to deal with it

  2. Neighbouring Moray managed to obtain millions from the Scottish government for their successful flood prevention schemes mainly through the sterling efforts of Richard Lockhead.

    Sea levels are rising fast as well as extremes of weather and putting flood prevention work for Nairn on the back boiler (once again) is irresponsible behaviour.

    Who is going to successfully champion our cause? Probably no one

  3. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Which is why the NRCC are objecting to certain planning applications which advocate putting surface water into the Auldearn burn which would risk flooding at Balmakeith Park.

  4. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I bet Liz would be a little more than disappointed if she lived somewhere in Nairn that was in danger of being affected by flooding, still, £16k+ for being moderately distraught whilst doing her job.
