
Friday, September 07, 2018

Review of Nairn Sandown for new affordable homes

There has to be consultation then before any disposal of "Common Good Land".

Highland Council's previous involvement with proposed development on the Sandown Lands has been highly controversial to say the least. This time round it looks as though the local authority is setting out its stall before things go any further. Here's the press release issued today:

"The Highland Council has a commitment to deliver 2500 new affordable homes over a 5 year period. The Council and its partners have been carrying out a review of potential development sites throughout the Highlands regardless of land ownership in order to deliver this programme.

As part of this review, the Sandown area south of the A96 was identified as a zoned site, within the Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan, with potential for housing development. The site also benefitted from an approved development brief. 

The Council asked Highland Housing Alliance (HHA) as one of its development partners, to facilitate a feasibility to determine if this would be a viable site for consideration to assist the council in meeting its overall affordable housing targets. 

Initial feasibility work included contacting statutory authorities to determine whether there would be any significant constraints on the site. This also included contacting the council’s planning service with regard to a screening application to determine whether an environmental statement would be required if a planning application were to be submitted. 

The feasibility work being carried out will assess if the site is suitable and viable for potential housing development, and whether HHA should consider submitting a proposal of application notice (PAN). 

Any application related to Sandown land would have to be considered by the Nairnshire Area Committee and subsequently by the full Highland Council prior to any decision being made. 

Also as part of this process, in accordance with the Community Empowerment Act, the Council is now required to undertake a consultation process before any disposal of Common Good land can proceed. Representations received must be taken into account when reaching a decision on disposal. Proposals would be published on the Council’s website together with a guide for making representations, with the relevant community council and any interested community bodies being notified directly. This consultation is separate to the formal planning process.

Any potential planning application would have to follow the major application process. No planning application would be made without approval from the Nairn Common Good and prior to submission of any planning application, full public consultation would take place. 

Feasibility work is at an early stage but this is potentially a great opportunity for new affordable homes for Nairn."

Gurn comment - how about Council housing instead of "affordable housing"?

More Gurn comment - Highland Council administer the land, they are also the planning authority and own a sizeable share of the company that has put in the application. Bearing all that in mind would it be wise for them to put this consultation out to an organisation that has no financial or other interest in Sandown?