
Thursday, February 04, 2021

Nairn River Community Council meeting Wednesday 10th February 7pm - third time lucky?

After two-headline grabbing stushies on Zoom NRCC meet again with a changed line up of office bearers. Best of luck to them, there's a lot of important stuff for them to discuss. Here's hoping for a serious outbreak of peace and love.  The meeting will be open to the public. Details of how to attend over on the NRCC website. 

Agenda also reproduced below:


The Agenda may change due to time constraints

Chair to greet Members and any members of the Public on admission to the Meeting.

1. Recording of Membership present, apologies received and any declarations of interest. (2 minutes)

2. Approval of the minutes of the previous ordinary meeting of the Community Council. (10 minutes)

3. Financial report from the Treasurer. (4 minutes)

4. Items of business, which the Chairperson has directed, to be considered:

Meeting Dates until next AGM (assuming AGM will be in June), proposed –
10th March; 14th April; 12th May; AGM 16th June. (2 minutes)

Secretary remuneration for 2019 & 2020 (5 minutes)

Request for funding towards a 'Paratrekker' all terrain wheelchair to allow young people with mobility issues to participate in outdoor activities. (5 minutes)

Planning Update (5 Minutes)

Correspondence (5 Minutes)

Sandown CG consultation for discussion (Feb 26th deadline) Volunteer group to present draft submission for approval. (10 minutes)

Illuminated traffic give way signs that remain unlit at night located on the ‘Safe Route To School’ crossing the A939. (5 minutes)

Proposed Voting protocol (5 minutes) PG

Proposed Protocol for ‘Expectations of NRCC Members at Virtual Meetings’. (5 minutes)

Set up subcommittees, their remits and any agreed decision making powers given. Suggested sub committees: Common Good; & Planning. Other Sub Committees will be addressed in future business meetings. (10 minutes)

Email addresses & Blog site and potential honorarium for Des Scholes (5 minutes)

Links Development Project – nominee to sit on management committee. (5 Minutes)

Inner Moray Firth LDP (5 minutes)

NRCC and Resilience Group briefings (5 minutes)

5. Any update from THC Members that may be present. (5 Minutes)


6. Questions or contributions from the public present if time allows
Chairperson to declare date of next meeting and close meeting. HB

Members of the Public wishing to attend the NRCC Meeting on 10th February 2021 should send an email to: including their name and postcode.

The invitations will be sent close to the meeting date.

NRCC will not admit anonymous or people identifying with something other than their own name to any meeting.


  1. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I sincerely hope that all the people involved in NRCC start to get on with some real issues instead of getting bogged down in petty, childish squabbles.

    There are so many more important things to be getting on with, from being in the middle of a pandemic, common good issues, etc, etc.

    What has NRCC contributed to the town in the last year? Time to ditch the ego's, people, and get on with what you're supposed to be doing. If you're not capable of that, then leave. Get your finger out, the lot of you!

  2. Carol1:24 PM

    Well, whoever you are, you have not been paying attention to what NRCC have been doing. For a start, they donated £125.00 to paying for ID badges to the local Task Force, of which I am a member

    Seems you have been too busy criticising to notice that.

  3. Jimmy2:38 PM

    Anonymous @9:06

    You are the petty childish one, please let us know what you have doing for the community this year?

  4. reality bites8:36 PM

    Carol (and perhaps others seem to misunderstand the role of CCs. The official Scheme for CCs makes clear that their role is " act as a voice for their local area... and to make representations to Highland Council, other public sector bodies and private agencies...".

    CCs are not grant-giving organisations. The annual funding they receive from the Council is to pay for admin costs (room hire, website etc). They may seek resources and apply for grants in order to carry out relevant local projects themselves.

    So while it is good that NRCC donated money to the Task Force, such local and voluntary initiatives should have been, and should be, funded from the substantial allocations of government money channelled through Highland Council specifically for Covid-related support and for other social welfare and economic recovery programmes.

    As Anon of 9.06pm says, CCs should concentrate on the real issues of concern to the community - not internal procedures, nor for that matter handouts to others.

  5. reality bites @ 8:36 PM

    Please do not attempt to patronise me, I certainly do not misunderstand the role of Community Councils. The question asked was 'what have the NRCC contributed to the town in the last year'. I answered the question with just one of the proactive and much needed and appreciated, contributions.

  6. Well said Carol!

  7. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Just be glad our Parish Councillors are not in charge of our Common Good cash.
