
Monday, December 20, 2021

Council’s Nairn finance office for sale soon?

Up for discussion at a recent meeting of the Highland Council were a whole host of properties that the Council are having a look at. This kind of thing goes with the name of “Redesign Board – Property Asset Rationalisation.”

One of our regular readers sent us a link to the relevant document and below is a screenshot of the information provided in the report which includes a building that many folk here will instantly recognise.

This observer wonders what will happen to the staff that work there if the building were to be eventually sold when the process eventually concludes? Would their jobs stay in Nairn? Is there room in the Courthouse for them all? Is Highland Council considering to continue with home-working after we get clear of the pandemic? It’s a magnificent building and hopefully it will have a happy future whatever the outcome.



  1. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Probably one to check the title deeds of.
    1847 - did the Burgh grant title to the Free Church to build their school beside their new Church?
    Was it Common Good Land then? Probably, because almost 100% of land probably still was at that time. Was title to revert after use ceased to be educational?
    I'm sure that the old Burgh minutes will have some details recorded.

  2. Yes the council do seem to be thinking home working will continue in some form at least for part of the week for many employees. This was already happening pre-pandemic to reduce travel time, expense and emissions with staff having to cover such a large area and sometimes not really needing to go into the office every day. Obviously the carbon footprint and costs of the Council will reduce if it doesn't have to maintain so many inefficient buildings, so this is also part of the motivation. The common good possibility is interesting. Would this mean any proceeds should go into the common good fund?

  3. Anonymous2:57 PM

    These properties were built on land which formed garden areas for the High Street houses, so not common good.
    Falconers Lane Car Park is Common Good as was bought from the Co op in 1975.
