Tuesday, December 19, 2023

2,004,709 free bus journeys by young people in the Highlands

 Mr and Mrs Gurnmeister live the bus pass dream too, being over sixty and quite often go somewhere for a coffee and a bit of shopping. Has the time come to go the whole way and make all bus journies free in Scotland - if we want to get people out of their cars the would this be a good thing to do? 

Anyway, here's a press release from the Scottish Green MSP Ariane Burgess

"Free bus travel for everyone under 22 will have a huge impact for young people travelling in the Highlands over Christmas, says Ariane Burgess, the Scottish Green MSP for the Highlands & Islands.

Since the scheme was launched in January 2022, young people in The Highlands have taken 2,004,709 free journeys, using their free bus pass which allows them to travel anywhere in Scotland.

Scotland is the only country in the UK to offer free bus travel for all young people, which was introduced following negotiations between the Scottish Greens and the Scottish Government.

An incredible 700,000 young people across Scotland have been able to take over 100 million free bus journeys in total.

Ariane Burgess, the Scottish Green MSP for the Highlands & Islands said: “This can be an expensive time of year for young people and their families, making free bus travel even more vital. 

“It will allow young people to visit their family and friends, and is opening up our community and our country. It’s a big boost for our environment, and will be cutting our emissions and reducing the numbers of cars on the road.

“Every free bus journey means more money in people’s pockets, which will be hugely welcome for families who are being hit with bigger bills and extra costs over winter. But free bus travel is not just for Christmas, it is supporting families across the Highlands all year round.

“It is one of the proudest and most positive achievements of devolution, and I am delighted that it has been delivered with Scottish Greens in government.

“I want every young person to have the same fantastic benefits and opportunities. I am delighted that so many young people have already signed up and encourage all of those who have yet to do so to visit Freebus.scot and register for their card today.”

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