
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Looking after the shrub beds on the entrances to the town

Billy has contacted the Gurn once more about the state of certain shrub beds along the A96 on the western approaches to the town and also concerning another bed at River Park on the Grantown Rd. It is a shame that some of these stragtegic plantings are weed infested, more care should be taken over them during the year. The contrast between the state of some of these beds and others cared for by volunteers is striking. There seems to be some debate about whether the A96 ones are the responsibility of BEAR or not. The Gurn has forwarded Billy's concerns to one of Nairn's Highland Council members for their investigation. Previous issues concerning shrub beds highlighted by Billy have been resolved (see here), let's hope there's swift action on the remaining problem areas.
Could the maintenance of these areas be one of the functions that the Community Interest Company envisaged by Alistair Noble could take over?

1 comment:

  1. responcibility11:49 AM

    are bear trying to shrub this off then?
