
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

GP Surgery Gurn

As reported in the Gurn recently the appointments system at the surgery is still in a state of metamorphosis. For some people the new system has worked fine but others are not so happy. Today we received the following message from one of our regular readers: 

"On ringing the GP surgery today I was told that the GP I was registered with at the practice had in effect stopped practicing as he's resigned and is now on leave. The GP in question (Dr Stansfield) had tendered his notice at the practice as he strongly disagreed with the new appointments system at the surgery. I was informed that his replacement won't be starting till June, and meanwhile I could see any doctor. It seems I'm to suffer three times, I'm not a fan of the new system, my GP has left because of it, and I won't have a registered doctor for a couple of months. I would have hoped that the practice might have written to patients to inform them of the changes but apparently not, it all hangs on the phone these days. An improved service, I think not."


  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    there are posters up on the reception desk saying about the doctors leaving and their replacements - DR stanfield is on Holiday just now and when he comes back he'll be on phone consultations until he leaves

  2. Thanks anon but unless a source is available we can't publish that.

  3. @ Anon Re letter - could you send a copy to the Gurn?
