
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Community Councils Exclusive - Westies and Subbies want to get married ASP!

Back at the beginning of the month we speculated on whether the sound of wedding bells would soon be heard as the Suburban and West community councils continued their whirlwind romance. Details of what we wrote then here

Earlier this evening it emerged that things had gone even further with the two organisations now having sought advice on how they could tie the knot. Dick Youngson of the Westies introduced the final topic on the agenda of the two CCs joint meeting in Nairn Academy and said: “Amalgamation of the two community councils, Rosemary has spoken to Liz Cowie and...” 

Rosemary then began: “everybody knows that I have always wanted to have one single community council. We’ve had meetings going back a few years and River never wanted to be – we’d love to have them actually! But anyway we’ve decided to look at amalgamation between Nairn West and Nairn Suburban. So I put it to Liz Cowie and she has gone away and spoken to the powers that be and they have come back with proposals that we have to, we have to put a statement in to prove that the reasons that we’d like to merge, any relevant background to the merger proposal and if the proposal is for the straight merger of two community councils without a boundary review. We have to outline the benefit of a merge. It’s fairly easy all this stuff. Demonstrate how you have worked together to bring benefit to both communities. Well we have been working together for a long time so we don’t really have to do anything much on that. Show how the combined area would continue to receive equal representation. Well the reason that Nairn West was brought back was because we did not have representation and I am keen that we continue to have representation for Nairn West and it is quite difficult to get people to stand in Nairn West but we need it covered and I think amalgamation would be perfect."

Looks like it might not be long before the Westies and Subbies will be putting on their best outfits for the big day. Anyone that doesn’t like this concept had better move fast: “If any constituent can show just cause, why these two community councils may not lawfully be joined together let them speak now or forever hold their copy of the joint AGM.”

How long before the big day? Will the Westies and Subbies have an ostentatious wedding in the Courthouse? Could public pressure pile up yet and demand a three in a bed show that would force even the reluctant River CC folkies into an everlasting ménage à trios. Who will marry them? Will it be Provost Laurie Fraser or could the Area Political Leader Liz MacDonald grab the limelight and officiate at the wedding of the year? 


  1. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Does this article mark the start of the silly season?

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    It's a start, I want one community council for Nairn. Like Forres has.

  3. That is the official editorial position of the Gurn Anon as expressed in this campaign site at the time of consultation on the issue of reformation of Community Councils. Follow the link below:

  4. Anonymous9:42 AM

    "I want"

    I was always told means you
    "don't get"

  5. Anonymous9:47 AM

    @Anon 9:42

    That'll be the reason as to why you have nothing!

  6. Anonymous10:57 AM

    OK. If we are going to play word games, yes I want. However as someone who is fed up of being told mainly by middle-class people they know best, when they don't. I do prefer the best for the town, and also wondering if any councillor would ask the question. How much per head of population does it spend in Inverness compared to Nairn?

  7. local yokel11:51 AM

    Could do with....
    a Nairn council, who meet in Nairn
    a job centre
    a dole office
    a planning office
    a court that sits in the courthouse
    and that's just for starters

  8. Sheena Baker12:14 PM

    Sensible move, sooner the River Community Council realise there is strength in their being one undivided CC in my simple opinion, the better it will be for the town.

    Like RY I have always believed that one joint CC would work efficiently for the good of all of Nairn town and residents

  9. Anonymous1:27 PM

    You can join up as many community councils as you want but they're toothless tokens of democracy and have next to no power in the current system

    Only a radical change in Scotland will change that, so we know what to do on September 18th don't we?

  10. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Yes, vote ourselves out of Europe ..any party will do as long as we get out now...this country's identity is disappearing very quickly, and soon we will be Europeans, with no heritage left.

  11. Anonymous4:45 PM

    A Yes vote will give us our country and our identities, and more powers locally

    anon 4:32, we've been europeans for decades, maybe you just haven't noticed?

  12. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Maybe we need to reinvent Community Councils - based on the old District Council electoral wards. Or we'll end up with the West End running Nairn -with no reps from Tradespark or Queenspark or any other area of social housing. Both these areas should have their own Community Councils to make sure their priorities are talked about more often.

  13. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Re Europeans for decades, that's the problem and why we are losing our identity. If the yes vote goes ahead Mr Salmond wants to take in millions of people to fund our country's needs. Just look what has happened in England and the way the people have voted for UKIP to stop Europe from telling us how to police our borders, if it was an ideal situation people wouldn't t have reacted so decidedly.

  14. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Please River CC join the Nairnshire Liberation Front and let us have a single council representing Nairn!

  15. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I honestly think the true answer why Nairn River Community Council Graisg doesent want go join up with Nairn West and Subbies and other Community Councils is who has the final word and who gets what first ie what area of Nairn gets funded first. As a member of the public who attends the Community meetings i can say theres no chance of it ever happening as i think they would fall out with each other. I would like to see them join up together but why spoil something that doesent need spoilt.
