
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Nairn Health Care statement - clarification of communication to Patients Group

We received the following from the manger of the practice, Barbara Graham, in relation to the article we published on Tuesday entitled "PPG promise to keep patients informed"

"There has been a great deal of interest in the media about recent events concerning our PPG. We have already indicated that we feel that some of the reporting has been inaccurate. To help clarify the exact nature of the last communication from the practice to the PPG which precipitated the events thereafter, I now attach the communication that was given to the entire PPG membership on 15th July 2014. 

We remain wholeheartedly committed to constructive patient engagement and will continue to explore a variety of ways of achieving this."

And the text of the communication Barbara refers to:

"Dear PPG

As stated at our meeting of 2nd July, the practice is committed to a productive and constructive relationship with our patients, and feels that a highly functioning PPG would support us in achieving this. This needs to be a long term relationship built upon trust and mutual respect, which will take time to build.

We discussed fundamental differences regarding the role and purpose of the group which have emerged under the current Chairmanship. We also noted that, despite efforts on both sides to resolve this, there has been a breakdown in personal trust between the Practice and the Chair. Our position on both points remains unchanged.

Given the high level of expressed emotion at the meeting in July the practice feels that a significant period of reflection would be beneficial for all parties.

The issues regarding the Chair remains unresolved. We hope that in due course we can once again work in partnership with a PPG that shares our aims and objectives.

We would like to thank you for all for your work and time to date regarding the PPG. We very much appreciate the effort that has been taken in looking at a revised constitution.

Once again thank you for your interest and commitment.



  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    In other words - "their no getting on"

  2. Anonymous7:10 PM

    sounds like someone is taking their ball home cos they are hearing some home truths.

  3. Anonymous9:58 PM

    These things need to be constructive and cooperative - Otherwise they are divisive and destructive. Makes sense to step back and chill for a while.
