
Sunday, December 25, 2016

"How do I keep informed and involved in Ship to Ship Oil Transfer action?" Please pass this information on

A Little bit of info on how to campaign against the proposed Ship to Ship oil transfers in the Moray Firth. Thanks to our regular reader who submitted this information. Please do as much of this as you can and tell your friends and neighbours about it over the holidays too. 

The recent Nairn Beach Demo last Sunday was organised in less than a week and brought together more than 500 people to oppose proposed Ship to Ship Oil Transfer in the Moray Firth.We got media coverage in Glasgow Herald, P and J, Scotsman, Moray Firth Radio, BBC and STV news and more. Well done to all who made this happen.Lets keep the pressure up.

This high profile action and the efforts of our own Nairn Councillors have persuaded Highland Council on Thurs 15th December to hold a special meeting in early 2017 to debate any revised licence application from Cromarty Firth Ports Authority due to be ready in January to submit to the Maritime Coastguard Agency in London (part of UK government).
In the meantime we need to persuade all Highland Councillors and other influential agencies and individuals to take a strong position against Ship to Ship Oil Transfer  in the Moray Firth so that the UK Government get the message loud and clear to  reject this licence application

Keep Informed
Nairn Rocks  Facebook page, 4750 members, anyone can join, event publicity  Fridays only
Nairn Our Town Our Views Facebook page 1615 members anyone can join and regular updates about goings on in Nairn.
Nairnshire Telegraph   -see articles from last 2 weeks, and more to come….
Posters in shop windows/library and other public places in Nairn

Keep Talking to friends, relatives, neighbours. Make sure they know about this and how to get involved

Write Letters/Show your Opposition to Councillors, MPs , MSP’s, UK government , environmental agencies and anyone else you think could help to oppose this development, which could threaten our beaches, wildlife, health and tourism economy.

Sign the Petition   has a link to online 38 Degrees Petition-18000+ signatures so far

Fundraise or Donate to the fighting fund
www.cromartyrising.comhas a link to the Fundraising website. At least £30,000 will be needed to pay for a judicial review if the licence is granted by UK government in early 2017

Offer your Help
We need people power to oppose this and get the right result for our communities.

Who do I contact, to show my opposition to Ship to Ship Oil Transfers?
Highland Council -Nairn Councillors   (all already opposed to Ship to Ship Transfer)
Laurie Fraser
Liz MacDonald
Michael Green Chair – Nairnshire Committee)
All Other  Highland Councillors
The resubmitted licence application from Cromarty Firth Ports Authority will be debated by the whole Council before a recommendation to Maritime Coastguards Authority is made. ( Council has no power  to veto UK government final decision, merely to give an opinion  which will be considered by  the UK Minister for Transport  who will approve the licence or not .)
UK Parliament MPs
Drew Hendry MP for Inverness, Nairn , Badenoch and Strathspey ( already opposed)  Tel: 020 7219 6118.
Angus Robertson MP for Moray and Deputy Leader of SNP at Westminster

UK GovtMinisters( who will decide whether to approve Cromarty Ports application)
John Hayes MP Minister of State – Dept of Transport ( responsible for Maritime and Coastguard Agency) Department for Transport, Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road , London, SW1P 4DR
Email:        House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA  Tel: 020 7219 1389
Chris Grayling MP Secretary of State for  Transport       Email:
Department for Transport, Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road , London, SW1P 4DR

Scottish Parliament MSP’s and Ministers
John Finnie MSP( Green) for Inverness and
website ( at Beach Demo last Sunday .video on
16/22 Market Hall,Victorian Market,InvernessIV1 1PJ    Tel: 01463 710 194
Richard LochheadMSP(SNP) for MorayT. 01343 551111
Fergus Ewing MSP for Inverness and Nairn and Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Connectivity
Constituency Office  112 Church Street  Inverness  Scotland  IV1 1EP
Fergus.ewing.msp@parliament.scottel 0131 348 5000  or 01463 713 004 
 Ministers’ Mailbox   email

David Stewart MSP, Highlands and Islands Regional MSP
Shadow Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform
Tel: 01463 716299 Email:

Roseanna Cunningham MSP and Scottish Cabinet Secretary with responsibility for  Environment,Climate Change and Land Reform,    St Andrew's House, Regent Road, Edinburgh, EH1 3DG
Scottish Parliament Edinburgh EH99 1SP  Telephone: 0131 348 6087

European Parliament
Alyn Smith MEP  email   website


  1. Anonymous2:29 PM

    So where do I go if I want to show my support for the transfers? and sign a petition for it to go ahead? I cannot help thinking people are over reacting somewhat, there is only a very miniscule risk.

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Oil Leak 21 could be just for you anon

  3. @anon 2:29 PM

    Try contacting the directors of the Cromarty Port Authority, I'm sure they'd welcome your support

  4. Is there any benefit financial or otherwise to Nairn in any shape or form if this goes ahead. Oil spills between tankers are an extremely rare event these days . How often to you hear of this happening on the news ?

  5. Citizen X8:50 AM
    Is where you want to go Doctor lots of research been done there
