Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Community food growing project for Sandown? Online survey.

The consultants for Highland Council have a link to a survey on one of their webpages. The page reads:

"This survey has been prepared by Enscape Consulting on behalf of The Highland Council, as part of a feasibility study into the development of a community food growing project on one of the Common Good fields at Sandown Lands in Nairn - see the map below for the location of the field being considered for the project."

More here. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

50K from Common Good Fund to bail out Community Centre?

Our four Highland Councillors will soon be making a decision on whether to bail out the Community Centre with £50,000 from the Nairn Common Good Fund.

Cllr Paul Oldham writes in his latest weekly newsletter here:

"We find ourselves in this situation because directors of the charity revealed to ward councillors three and a half weeks ago that it has been running at a loss for some years and has been relying on draining down its reserves to keep itself afloat. This is not financially sustainable and by the time we were made aware they only had funds to keep going for a few more weeks, after which they would be unable to pay staff so the centre would have to close."

 A lot more about this and other issues on Paul's site here. 

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Nairn Town and County Bike shed

The staff at Nairn Town and County hospital are delighted they now have a new lockable bike shed with capacity for 10 bikes thanks to funding from Cycling Scotland. This frees up the other cycle racks for patients. Cycling is already popular in Nairn as it is relatively flat and cycle routes such as the one past Nairn Academy and another over the Jubilee Bridge and onwards to Auldearn provide convenient, largely off- road access to the hospital from many parts of Nairn. Anne Thomas, a Speech and language therapist based at the hospital, said: "I cycle to Inverness Station and put my folding bike on the train and can then cycle to visits in the town and to my office in the hospital. It keeps me fit and reduces my carbon footprint and is a good example to the kids I visit. If more staff and patients did the same it would have a positive impact on people's health and carbon footprint and also help reduce pressure on the car park.”

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Erosion on central beach "something really needs to be done before next winter"

In his latest blog post Cllr Paul Oldham states: 

"I recently took a walk with members of Nairn West & Suburban Council led by Community Councillor Kristin Duncan. Kristin was highlighting the issue that the rock armour which protects the section of the Links from the only significant groyne to the Leisure Centre car park has been significantly disturbed by the winter storm which also did damage to the harbour.

Unless you actually see this from the beach side you're not really aware of how bad it is but we have a real problem in that the damage means that further storms are now likely to erode the ground under the tarmacked path along the front and result in its eventual loss.

We will be discussing this issue at our next ward business meeting as something really needs to be done before next winter. And continuing from my last item both the Links and Central Beach are assets of the Common Good so we may well want to discuss this at a future Common Good Engagement Group meeting."

The Gurn went along for a look this morning and it does indeed look as though there has been significant erosion in the area Paul describes. More news from Cllr Oldham here.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Farewell Murd Dunbar

Murd Dunbar was a son, a brother, a husband, a father, a grandfather, a great grandfather, a friend, a proud Shankie, a custodian of the riverside and many other things as well. But one of the main things that Murdoch Ross Dunbar was was that he was a thrawn old bugger. I'm sure that many folk within organisations such as the Highland Council and Community Councils, rued the day that Murd learnt how to use a computer and got loose on the internet. I bet you there was many a morning when some Councillor or Official opened up their Inbox and spotted an email from Murd Dunbar and then cried silently to themselves, “oh no, it's him again!”.

Murd was determined, he was tenacious, persistent, dogged, he didn't give up as many people would have done when multiple obstacles and broken promises were chucked back at him in response to his many causes and campaigns. He was never one to be fobbed off just because someone said “No, can't do that”. Dealing with officials he was a bit like Islay and Belle in the case that you can throw a ball or a stick as far away as possible but I'll be back, I'll take it back, I'll stand at your door, your door of bureacracy. His modus operandi was keep on gurning until they do something, something he lived by even in his final weeks.

He made Community Council meetings interesting, in many way's he was their nemesis, they would have their cosy agenda and he would come along and rock their wee boat. He had his opinions and views and if you didn't agree with them, tough, he just ignored them and carried on regardless.

Murd worked on many fronts and people used to go to him with issues which he would then raise at meetings or via the Gurn or the Nairnshire. He cared about our community and he set an example by sometimes doing the things that the authorities had neglected; repairing and painting benches, salting the bridges and clearing the leaves and, of course, he occasionally had something to say about the Firhall Bridge! I often feel that he was more value than some of those that are paid handsomely to represent the community to sort things out. Personally, I think he was much more in touch with folk than many of the various representatives. He got off his backside and got on with it.

Of course, Murd made use of the information super highway in other ways by highlighting issues on social media – he was a campaigner for houses to be built for the town’s young people among other things. Murd cared, he knew that a community ignores the needs of the young at its peril.

He was a contributor to the Gurn in its heyday. Our Riverside and Queenspark correspondent and often lots of other stuff. Any message left on the answerphone always went the same way, “Hi Des, Murd here, here, listen, and then there would follow something along the lines of I've just sent you, run it by you, see what you think”....

And it’s all there, the Gurn has been a bit quieter the last couple of years but if you put Murd Dunbar in the search box you’ll have a few hours reading material that will come up. The hospital bus stop, the state of the riverside paths, the state of the benches, the Firhall Bridge!

Murd, in his own way was an innovator, someone who did things before other people. He embraced his electric bikes and many a time he, tinkered. You would often see him coming hurtling towards you around the river on his bike, feet out, coming to a stop because the brakes just weren't quite working properly at that moment but that never stopped him. The craic was tremendous, pure Nairn born and bred, a priceless way of looking at the world and sharing his wisdom.

So Murd, wherever you are now I hope you're standing at that door giving them what for and not going away – just like the time an MP seeking re-election came to Queenspark with a TV camera crew and his assistants – they chose the right door that day!

They all came to him, the politicians, the high heid yins, the officials. He never asked them to but his sheer force of nature meant they knew better then ignore him.

When it’s time to put the festive decorations on your tree up the river at the end of the year, I’ll be there to raise a dram to you and the well-lived life that was yours, your achievements and your impact that made our community a better place.

Here’s to you Murd, all the best!

Soraidh slàn a charaid, clach air do chàirn.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Fabulous news for Nairn High Street - The Original Factory Shop is coming to town!

 Regular visitors to the High Street may have noticed a couple of guys working in the former McKays. And now a Facebook page has appeared: more information here.

Good to see a national store chain wishing to invest in our High Street and fill up a big gap where the former McKays was situated.

Monday, March 11, 2024

"Invitation to pay" to go ahead for Links amenity and splash pad area

Item 6.4.2 of the "Nairn Common Good Fund – 2022/23 Audited Accounts, 2023/24 January Monitoring and General Update, Proposed Budget 2024/25" which went before the Nairnshire Area Committee last Monday 4th of March read:

"Discussions have taken place during 2023/24 with Highlife Highland, #TeamHamish and THC Facilities Management, in an attempt to find a more affordable but effective method of cleaning at the Splashpad in light of escalating costs. Options are being progressed on best value principles to commission THC Facilities Management to carry out the periodic deep cleaning of the Splashpad at a cost of £2,840 per clean. The existing contract with HLH will continue with spray washing weekly and a further deep clean scheduled as required using THC Facilities Management. 

Monthly monitoring of the cleaning will be done by the Nairn Common Good Fund Officer to ensure it remains in good, clean order and reflects positively on the partners and community. 

At the request of a previous meeting of Committee work is ongoing to develop an invitation to pay donation scheme for the NCGF Links amenity facilities proposals will be brought to a future meeting of the Committee."

This now goes through - you can see all this and more in the Video of the meeting embedded below. 

This item has generated a wee bit of debate on the ever popular Nairn Our Town social media page and can be seen here if you have a Facebook account.  

Friday, March 08, 2024

NCFC fans Ground Improvement Fund organises Whisky Tasting and 50/50 draw

There's a 50/50 draw taking place at the Fans' whisky tasting - you get tickets with every contribution via the crowdfunding linked in the embedded tweet below. 

"We are holding a Whisky Tasting on Saturday 6th April 2024, which will raise £750, we would like £1000!!! To help reach our target we plan to hold a 50/50 draw. £5 a square! Everyone will be allocated random number(s) and the draw will take place at the Whisky Tasting."