Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Erosion on central beach "something really needs to be done before next winter"

In his latest blog post Cllr Paul Oldham states: 

"I recently took a walk with members of Nairn West & Suburban Council led by Community Councillor Kristin Duncan. Kristin was highlighting the issue that the rock armour which protects the section of the Links from the only significant groyne to the Leisure Centre car park has been significantly disturbed by the winter storm which also did damage to the harbour.

Unless you actually see this from the beach side you're not really aware of how bad it is but we have a real problem in that the damage means that further storms are now likely to erode the ground under the tarmacked path along the front and result in its eventual loss.

We will be discussing this issue at our next ward business meeting as something really needs to be done before next winter. And continuing from my last item both the Links and Central Beach are assets of the Common Good so we may well want to discuss this at a future Common Good Engagement Group meeting."

The Gurn went along for a look this morning and it does indeed look as though there has been significant erosion in the area Paul describes. More news from Cllr Oldham here.