
Friday, November 09, 2018

A tale of parking charges recently introduced to small towns elsewhere in Scotland

People react to avoid parking charges and behaviour changes. This social media post from an Angus store explains the situation, parking charges were introduced in Angus towns on the 1st of November.


Here you can see further details of empty car parks and claims of business takings being 50% down. The folk in Angus are not taking it lying down though, they have started regular weekly protests at the local Council HQ.


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Poor duped people of Angus.
    They used to have no parking charges.
    They used to have an SNP-led Council.
    Then they elected Tory Councillors and since last year have had a Tory-led Council.
    If you vote for "chums" of Ruth Davidson - then you get charged for public services.
    Guess what happened in Highland?
    If Tory Councillors could charge you to breathe our fresh sea air - they would.

  2. Actually Anon the Indys and Lib Dems have a hand in the situation in Angus.
    "A coalition administration was formed at the statutory meeting of Angus Council on 16 May 2017, which currently comprises six Independents, eight Conservatives and Unionists, and two Lib Dems"

  3. Anonymous10:17 PM

    The only way to reverse a decision on car parking charges is not to use the car parks. This will mean that the Council will loose money by charging because they will get no return for their investment in equipment and staff. To avoid loosing money they will have to remove charges.

    A second strategy would be for all businesses to withhold BID levies until the Council is seen to support the town centre
