Monday, June 26, 2017

What is good about Nairn according to a community planning workshop

Here is what a recent Community Planning Partnership workshop made of what is good about Nairn. Consultation still a four letter word in Nairn or is this one going to be different? There is an ongoing survey here on the Partnership's website? 

"The Good—What is good about your community?

 Facebook pages for Nairnshire—Nairn Rocks; Nairn Cares; Nairn Recycle
 Excellent community facilities e.g. Community Arts Centre
 Community Spirit—sunniest place in Scotland!!
 Volunteers are active & willing to support
 Level of community support for events
 Friendly
 Community works together
 Recognition response & referral to statutory agencies
 Number of people involved in volunteering 
 Statutory agencies wanting to engage with community based organisations/third sector
 Engagement with local issues
 Volunteers are invaluable
 The support of good neighbours
 Friendly and welcoming
 High level of community involvement
 Safe and welcoming
 People are willing to step up and help each other
 Business which benefit the community eg. Restaurant in Ardersier which does Christmas meals for those on their own
 Safe Community 
Massive variety of activities
 Integrated adult services are co-located
 Great assets
 Good leisure facilities, lots of outdoor space or the community to use
 Tourism attraction not just Scotland

 Lots of Community groups t be involved with—for all tastes"