Monday, August 20, 2018

New floral feature at the leisure park thanks to KNC volunteers.

A KNC spokesperson told the Gurn:

"There is now a new feature there: the first part of a KNC project to make the Putting Green bed into a permanent floral feature with an orienteering theme. This came about from when Nairn hosted the 2015 WOC & KNC commissioned a floral compass there in carpet bedding. Since the Champs, there has been an increase in interest in orienteering in Nairn & there's now a Taster Course around the Leisure Park & along the Links with maps at James' Cafe & Nairn Leisure Centre for those who want to give it a try.

Adopting another bed that HC can no longer afford to maintain, we decided to make it perennial for all year interest & have commissioned local artist Blacksmith, Michael Job, to make a metal orienteering figure mounted on a central pink granite rock to match the stones round the edge. This is the compass pointer & Michael, with help from his dad, Gerry & G.K. Job has sourced 4 upright sandstones which he has dressed & added metal compass point letters. These were installed on Monday & I attach some pics. KNC members, local orienteers from INVOC & Moravians & Liz McDonald, representing the Ward which helped with funds, gathered to see it all in place. Michael himself doesn't like to have photos, so I have only got a couple when he & Gerry were doing the installations.

The second stage of the project: the perennial planting & a display panel telling the story of the bed & showing orienteering facilities in the area will be completed over the autumn with more planting in the spring. KNC has also asked local orienteer & cartographer, Steve Smurthwaite, to make new maps of the paths at the Leisure Park which will be printed off by Sight Action for the visiually impaired & will also be available at James' Café & the Leisure Centre."

Larger versions of the images available on the ever popular Nairn Oor Toon Facebook page here. 

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