Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Optimism for Nairn's future abounds at Nairn West/Suburban Community Council meeting

The strong working relationship that Michael Green has built with NWSCC over his term of office was again in evidence last night as that organisation met for its monthly meeting in the community centre. No other Highland Councillors were present - this observer was late so perhaps they had offered their apologies. 

Both Michael and Alastair Noble had outlined how they see multiple benefits coming to the community in the fields of health and social through effective use of the new Nairnshire Area Partnership which they see as an ideal vehicle in the new era of community empowerment emanating from Holyrood. The CC and Michael Green are most definitely singing from the same hymn sheet and although some of the melodies have been familiar for many years there does seem to be genuine hope that a new dawn is tantilisingly just around the corner now. 

Michael outlined how he sees the community councils becoming more involved in the Partnership with spokespersons on many topics emerging to contribute to the process. He said:

"Because if people know there is a meaningful forum and it can actually feed into the process and see changes and see results then people will start to come along to these meetings and will want to put themselves forward."

Dick Youngson, the Chair of NWSCC said: "We will now make an effort to get the eight community councils together and meet as often as necessary." 

Alastair, who has for many, many years been calling for more powers to be devolved to Nairn was also equally enthusiastic. He no longer seems so weary with the struggle and obviously believes too that there is at last real opportunity. He felt that we should be writing a new Nairnshire plan based on hard facts instead of the sort of things that caused friction in the past such as the plan for doubling Nairn's population.

It chimes well too with the Nairnshire BID development, another initiative to make the most out of current thinking and structures coming from Central Government that makes it easier for communities like Nairn to access cash. 

Coming soon too according to Michael will be a wide range of development proposals for the harbour area that will taken on a consultation road show locally before engaging with Highland Council and HIE. 

As we move to the May Council elections Michael Green looks to be close to the epicentre of proposals that have the potential to alter Nairn's future for the better.

To this observer it looks like our other three Highland councillors have some serious catching up to do. Have they missed the boat in articulating a vision for our community? Do they see their job as stepping out of the confines of the Glenurquhart Road parameters and thinking a bit out of the box on how we can move things forward in imaginative ways? If they do, then to this observer, they have singularly failed to express anything as well as their colleague Michael Green. If any new candidates of any calibre come forward for the May elections then perhaps one or two of them might fall off their perch.


MURD said...


There is A saying that could well apply to some of there proposals

Both Michael Green and Alastair Noble had outlined how they see multiple benefits coming to the community. As your readers will know I have been asking for the bus shelter at the Hospital to be moved to A more suitable place for the benefit of all users.
At the meeting they both suggested that the bus shelter that is there should be put back into use. No consideration as to why it was stopped being used. Things like getting A bus in and out there safely. Having all the cars removed that would restrict the use of the facility. With no other places to park and the attitude of some drivers they will park anywhere there is A space which in turn will result in the bus getting stuck in there. Also People from the sheltered homes live there and use the service.
{By the way it is illegal to reverse A P.S.V. without A qualified guide.}
A bus route cannot be altered with out the authority of the Traffic. Commissioner.

They both made it quite clear reverting back was the answer. Being in the position that they are. They can now resolve the problem for all by getting it put back?
I will gladly make their success public and admit it was just A suggestion from that SILLY OLD MAN to have it moved so all could get use of it.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately our other councillors are far to often reported as being AWOL. Michael Green is often seen as a devisive figure as he is opinionated and not scared to voice that opinion but maybe that's what Nairn needs, someone to make a stand for our community. There are so many plans and ideas for Nairnshire.... A few more councillors that are willing to roll up their sleeves wouldn't go a miss